The War in UKRAINE is NOT a FOOTBALL GAME IT IS SERIOUS STUFF , STOP FUELING THE WAR. SENDING IN MORE ARMS IS like pouring gasoline on a raging Forest Fire that can grow and burn up every one.

I use the analogy of a forest fire because if it grows big enough it can kill in mass, Nuclear weapons when lit off can create a ten million degree Fire Ball and X-rays that destroy on line of sight . They create an 800 mile an hour blast wave going out thirty to 100 miles from their point of detonation, plus the intense radiation that cooks you from the inside out with big Pus blisters They are Horrible , horrible , horrible weapons if they are ever used in combat . They should never be used.

The leaders of the world are locked in a Horrible terrible stand off and are treating this like a macho football game . Only sanity must be allowed to prevail . They need to stop Arming up the expansion of the war in ukraine and find ways to de-escalate. This is a very real Bad situation being Fueled in the Ukraine ,and it must be protested against. The world is pouring arms into this conflict this needs to be stopped . A real Peace with honor solution , not a final solution must be vigorously pursued.

As i said in the Title this not a football game the Consequences are real life and deadly serious for our planet and every one we love.

People around the world must demand that this push for further war be stopped on all fronts .
All territorial combat lines between waring parties need to be frozen with a 40 mile DMZ put between them. There is no productive work for peace while their is daily shooting at each other .

A truce and a separation needs to be accomplished all rearming needs to stop and replaced with humanitarian aid and talk and Focus of how to to rebuild peacefully and co exist and help those injured by the war that should be the only conversation we should be engaging in. Lifting war imposed sanctions as much as possible to show good faith. You cant Strangle a nation economically and pretend you are not doing harm and economic war against their people. Stop stealing Russia’s Money because you are able STOP IT , STOP THIS Belligerent BEHAVIOR , you want them to be friendly act friendly back . It is not to late to repair relations .

All sides lose by continuing to engage in war . People need to salvage the future now while their is still a possibility to do so. It is a time sensitive opportunity do waste it.

Do you really want your children striving and struggling to survive in a no more work again mad max apocalypse type world. I dont want that for my Children ,I hope you dont want it for yours.

The war needs to be chilled , the crimes need to be stopped , the coup in the Ukraine and in the US needs to be stood down and the fake news needs to be arrested and common law courts who are made up with morally upright people need to be commissioned how best proceed on how to repair our societies.

This war represents a serious break down in society we must find a non violent path forward from where we are at or risk losing it all. The people encouraging war should realize there is nothing good that will emerge out of that . Only working in Good faith toward peace will Suffice, it is the only way to win.

A globalist Arms Bizarre on a global level is happening right now ie war for profiteering , it is not worth the cost . We are being extorted stop it . It is causing a Constitutional Crisis

enjoy the music .

see map
Now on to other news
America’s food supply is being attacked by the globalist because they don’t like that we don’t support their world reshaping program via the covid 19 scam , the Climate change scam nor the Ukrainian criminal operations scam nor the make war with Russia scam.

Best way to fight back and win PLANT YOUR GRID DOWN SURVIVAL GARDEN NOW

best way to fight the lies is with concentrated truth and Love , protect yourself and your family with diligence where you are able . The map above indicates supply chain shortages coming soon regarding food . Prepare and plant and buy organic seeds that will reproduce true .

The deep state is doubling down dont let your kids who have been intensely propagandized pressure you into making very bad health decisions. Say no to the Clot shot no matter how much they whine and put you down . Only sound thinking prevails .

More music therapy enjoy the music and keep in prayer better times are coming