Jan 9 2021 the big Lie about what really happened exposed

Here is the link to the main investigative journalist report this is a must watch


The globalists’ deep state Nazis staged a false flag to coup da tah President trump and the stop the steal truth movement . Pelosi and others who orchestrated Americas Reichstag to bring the Biden ,Obama globalist Nazis back into power should be indicted for war crimes and waging a war against Russia to seize totalitarian powers domestically and set up the US for a mass depopulation event need to be exposed and brought to justice . The real new 4th Reich globalist Nazis are the real enemy of humanity . America needs to mobilized to indict and arrest these 4th Reich globalist before the damage becomes irreparable. Just as Putin is de nazifying the Ukraine we in America need to de Nazi the Deep state here at home . Pray we have the courage and the support to do so before it is tool late . Their agenda is the destruction and mass depopulation of America by asymmetrical war on many fronts . The Food , water , drugs , health , wars , fires , destruction of the supply chain, the economy . They are sick and evil just like the Nazis of 75 years ago just repackaged to do it better and harder and faster . Wake up my generation the Globalism Nazis are inside the gates . we need to resist and demise their controls before it is too late . It is not safe to ignore their Globalists’ nazi mindset we must prevail . mobilize to indict , to arrest to expose their wars against freedom and life .

Europeans must remove them from power also . Putin and Russia don’t want war with us they want us to remove the globalism and the globalist Nazis before the damage becomes unrepairable and horrific and catastrophic . Their can be no peace because War is a Business profit model for these globalist Nazi criminals . They Use war to coverup mass Crimes . Until they are legally and lawfully confronted in a common law court of record that cant be tainted or it wont stop . Only we the people can do that . Be part of the Alliance , resist the criminals and support those who are attempting to bring the real globalist new Nazi deep state criminals to justice

Here how the globalist Nazis are doing us through other means

The vaccines are a crime against humanity especially to effect our unborn and new born children , Se the following by dr Ardis who exposes their Globalist nazi evil schemes

It made me horrified to learn what they are putting in our vaccines these are sick and wacked evil minds we need to deal with this serious crime against humanity . it is the real hidden war

These videos and messages on this blog are a public service message to protect you from the evil the globalist nazi cabal are doing. You are adult I am trying to inform you , dont take my word for it do your own independent investigation and if it passes your truth inspection please share it with others.

Their is world wide tyranny going on against our food and other support systems

They have decided to destroy by economic means also

how jurisdiction is suppose to work however in actual practices your health rights and property rights and your right not to intruded upon is going away , I am telling you this not to scare you but to empower you to get in the game to stop the loss of our freedoms .

American Freedom eagle Radio (c) 2024 and beyond enjoy

The real story about the et visitors made into a comedy

IN Solidary with Texas against the Biden border Tyranny
join the freedom Trump , Gov Abbott, Patriot Trucker freedom Convoy across the country support those on the front line of freedom