Monthly Archives: November 2022

Vote Out the decepti cons /Demon criminal cabal rats who are the Illuminati globalist with all your might this next tues the world is watching. America is at the brink of the abyss

Wonder why we are being dragged into and through this war because the Deep state Globalist want power and control at all costs no matter how dangerous . What is happening in Ukraine is a very serious matter , it is happening because of the encroaching slave state the Hidden Forth Reich that want to rule with an iron fist . The Nazis were not defeated in WW2 the good German people where , The Nazis went underground with the help of the soon to be CIA and MI6 former OSS collaborators . The Bribe was all the stolen nazi treasure tremendous riches enough to buy up and control of all the most powerful corporations and politicians from around the world then take power and take over nations all around the world with there tremendous stolen war wealth one of the reasons George Soros was trained to do what he i . The reason why none of our elections is free from fraud because these people can drop billions of dollars of their stolen wealth and buy mercenary hacker who can crack any election any time and any where they want , They will spend every Ukrainian life if necessary to get what they want, they dont care about them or us. The video above teach you about what is really going on .

WAKE UP CALL – Retired Colonel from US Military reveals how elections are being rigged

The real dangers of the diesel shortage exposed why it is happening and who is doing it on purpose

Children who were murdered in the Donbass by the Ukrainian Nazis

Now your getting it why Russia Had to stop the Crimes

Why Russia Had to stop the crimes , Ukraine became a criminal hub for the world wide black market since 2014 criminal coup in
Arms , Drugs ,bio and chemical weapons transfers , Bank money laundering, Child trafficking , international child organ body parts harvesting sold to the world wide black market this is a trillion dollar market and it is horrfic why is the world arming and supporting these criminals . Cut them off and force them to the peace table .
Anti Fascism Blues Understanding The election bait and switch magic trick

If The world being under the real threat of nuclear destruction at any time because these demons rat Globalist now leading the western world dont want to talk about going to peace with Russia , China , or North Korea why the fuck are we not throwing them out with pitch forks and torches . Go Vote if that is not enough then convene your grand juries and indict these criminal bastards and get them identified as the criminals that they are , authoritarian thugs who dont respect you or any laws or rules.

We are 8 Nukes away from the worlds ozone layer being destroyed by 30 millon degree plazma Balls rising up and destroying our earths protective layer from the Suns’ deadly solar radiation that would cook every thing on this earth. Those who think they will just ride it out in their war bunkers are mistaken , this will also cause massive earth quakes and tsunamis. Is this what you really want for your kids .

WHERE IS YOUR LOVE . STOP THE WAR , STOP THE GLOBALIST with all your might , this is a Global peaceful call to action.

In other news the bio war is still being waged , Orange County health a globalist official is trying to convene another health emergency to California Governor Gruesome Nuewsom of another Respiratory virus ie a new round of flu . These people are brutal

American Freedom eagle music to help