Monthly Archives: February 2023

Wage Peace against those who are waging war against every body you know and love . If they make waging peace impossible then you know what to do.

I writing this blog to give you the gravity of where things are at , this is my perspective and my hope is that this will give the strength and guidance you need to make fact based reality decisions of what you do in the next couple of months . I say we fully identify the enemy ie the criminals so we can know how to deal with them .

In the case of the Russia and Ukraine war . Russia did not attack us so why is our government here in the US aiding and abetting a nation like Ukraine who is criminal to the core who has since 2014 murdered it’s own russian speacking people who reside in the Donbas regions using military heavy weapons, and missiles and military armament against people who they claim were living on Ukrainian soil . They had no right to murder these people, men women children and elderly civilians for 8 long years breaching 2 minsk accords by their dishonesty .

When Russia sent in it swat team to attempt to stop a criminal genocide being waged on their border against ethnic Russians trying to live in peace it was neccessary to bring in force because the Ukrainian military was waging intentional war against these people with the goal of bring war into Russia at a latter time . The Ukrainan military was being directed to do this evil by the coup government that was being controlled by their Nato and globalist criminal cabal western handlers . The same handlers that are also waging a covert war against the american people which resulted in president Trump being coup da tah by the criminals in DC who are looting our treasury , subverting our military and police departments through their corrupt insurgents who they installed by rigged elections and appointments in the courts and the executive three letter agencies they have weaponized against the american people to bring about the US and America and China’s destruction by placing each of us at the point of extremis by use of their trojan horse insurgents to promote war and carnage as part of their depopulation agenda . The covid pendemeic and the clot shot jabs were just one of many rounds or this ongoing war being waged against the people to bring their planed mass casualty events it is evil and satanic .
This Christmas time shows who these people are when Russia initiated an olive branch Christmas Truce as an attempt to open the door for a path to peacefully stop this ukrainian nato nazi globalist crime in progress but no they would not respond in Kind .

For all those that are clueless The cabal handlers installed an illegal government in Kiev in 2014 and were able to do it because the United States in 2008 suffered and election rigging to install one of the globalist insurgent smooth criminal Obama a foriegn born domestic enemy into the white house with the Help of the Globalist subvert Congress from both parties who they themselves were installed for this special purpose to bring power and wealth to the Criminal cabal globalist syndicate . They see Russia and the Good American People as a dual threat to their Criminal business operations . Our Job is to wage Peace Through our Grand juries truce commissions and identify who is waging and ordering the criminal operations to continue and expand so we can put them out of business before they murder every one we know and love. God bless the Russians for standing up against these nazi pieces of crap
In WW 2 the nazis didnt lose the war the Good people of Germany and Russia lost the war because they failed to rise up early enough to stop the Nazi criminal cabal Killing machine from going into high gear . At the cession of hostiles at the pause in the world war when the Russian and western military temporality stop the shooting the nazi cabal escaped with the help of the secretly imbedded cabal insurgent members giving cover to the worst of the worst scum bags so they could reconstitute their operations under protected environments until there were ready to resurface using their plundered war loot make another shot in securing world domination under their iron fisted control . Make no mistake we are in the end game stages of their multi decade hostile luciferin game plan. That plan is to kill of 98 percent of the world’s population and install a dictatorship of a very evil one world order government .

Putin and the Russian Government correctly identified the danger and moved to suppress it with as minimal of force possible to try to stop it but suffered great expense in treasury and blood . They are heros of the world because they realized the pending danger and moved to attempt to stop it they realized that the Covid 19 gain of function virus was not an accident but a serious opening round of a biological war being opened up by the criminal cabal who were using the Ukraine to develop this and other much worse Biological weapons . When the lies about the covid were being exposed the cabal fearing they would lose momentum on their depopulation plan they opened up a second front in the ukraine to open up the kenic side of their war operations . The criminals in Ukraine where promised arms and Money if they piss off Russia enough to make them send force in. The goal to fund the criminal faction factions to accelerate the depopulation scheme. Putin and russian people realized it was the globalist criminal nazis one world government insurgents who are doing all the harm and not the american people who them selves are under distress . A thank you to Russia for not nuking us even though they are suffering from these criminals . My title in this blog is important that in order have peace you have to have reliable peace partners who can be somewhat trusted .

This Trust has Broken down internationally and domestically in the US because we can not trust our elected officials to act on our best interest because they are waging war by proxy against Russia who has not attacked us and has in fact acted as a good friend alerting us to the rising danger the criminal cabals are engaging in. Domestically because the courts and the three branches of our government are being subdued by the covert Globalist insurgents ordering Governmental orders that are going in belligerence to our constitutionally protected rights to have honesty , transparency and accountability from representatives who have criminally gamed their way into positions of power here. breaking our protections and integrity in government with each installation of their mercenary rules for radicals rouge running against the constitution government .

No body debated or gave us a say when they initiated their support for the nazis using our taxpayer money to wage war against the Russians who never attacked us and putting the world on the brink of potential nuclear destruction . We need to wage peace to see who will go to peace and who is forcing war . My proposal is that a 7 day to truce conference be convened as soon as possible . We cant go to peace if every one is shooting at each other . This is a start to reined in the peace . Next it is to form the assembles for developing pools in which to draw the who may serve on the Grand juries. Those who will not go to sanity and help stop the crimes need to be removed from power by we the peoples power to indict and clean up bad governmental service providers . We need to work Hard and fast on waging Peace so their is hope on restoring peace before it becomes too late .

Some info to explain what we are dealing with : A SATANIC COMMITMENT TO DEPOPULATION — HARLEY SCHLANGER

The weekend Feb 19 2023 RAGE against the war machine

American freedom eagle Radio Tm (c) 2023 AND BEYOND

Enjoy the Music

Time of the season