Monthly Archives: April 2016

Why Trump ? , Why not Trump ?

Editorial  from the editor
It is April 1 2016  Our nation is in the throws of an election year , we had to endure 8 years of a huge fraud on the american people by an Obama presidency that has overseen a massive breakdown in the rule of law , a looting of millions of Americans out their homes by arch criminal banksters and their corporate controlled courts of nul tiel record protecting their criminal conspiracy from being outed and arrested.  The perps of 911 not being brought to justice , the courts becoming useless for people to use to fight injustices being perpetrated by insider criminals Instead of two big to fail the terminology is two big to be accountable and brought to justice .  Every body know it Stinks to high heaven  but their is one man daring to call out the domestic agents of the criminal new world order on the Horrible abuses they have visited on the United states and most other countries around the world .

If you are not familiar with who or what the new world order is I suggest you visit     to get up to speed on what is really happening.

Donald Trump is a man who sees what is happening and realizes if proactive action is not taken America will be destroyed end of story.   Trump is a man who surely doesnt need a job that pays 400k a year when he can make that much in a month off his wise and smart business investments.

He surely doesn’t need the danger this job puts him and his family in so why is Trump doing it.    I will tell you why because he is a decent Christian man  who is also horrified just as the american people are at the immigrant invasion that has poured millions of illegal immigrants  many with hard core criminalbackrounds and terrorist sneaking in under the radar into this country without regard to the consequences that such an invasion  brings.

He looks at the failure of the court system to out a man who used fraud , deceit and accomplices  to capture one of the most powerful positions of power and national security this nation has and  what he has done with this power in the eight years that have passed since the administration came to power.

The debasing of our military by the firing of top Flag officers who  were loyal to the american people , incarcerating whistle blowers such as Col Lakin and Lt Cdr Walter Fitzpatrick III and others who dared to expose the criminal cabal .  The Looting of our economy and massively increasing the public debt and placing our nation in harms way by supporting covert mercenaries and economic hitman to fan the brushfires of wars though out the middle east , far east  and euroasia  bring the world back to the cold war brink of nuclear confrontation that has the potential to extinguish mankind off the planet.

So I say Why not Trump , he understands that if the crap is not reined in we wont have an america left maybe not even a planet  left.

Personally I think that he is the only one I can see who is running who says that unrestrained illegal immigration is a  disaster, allowing  runaway  expansion of debt  unsound and no accountability by corrupt public officials who hold the power of life and death over others  unacceptable then i say why not Trump  .