If Zalensky really loved his country he would not try to have them killed in mass.

This video is damming evidence that it is the Azov Nazis are doing the genocide not the Russians

The Ukrainian regime lead by nazis dont give a crap about the Ukrainian people , they only care about covering up and masking their highly profitable globalist criminal enterprise for which Russia and the Ukrainian russian people were being victimized and extorted by. The viscous Azov Nazi regime embedded in the Ukrainian coup have been brutally murdering their own people for 8 long years , so when they say Russia was unprovoked i call it bull shit.

Putin and Russia are not in fact crazy they are quite sane and realized that the Criminal despots of Ukraine the Zalensky crime syndicate and their globalist criminal partner enablers had to be stopped with as minimum amount of force that they could do without haste to stop the increasing damage and threat to their safety and way of life.

This action was taken on very responsibly sound manner since the West gave Russia the fuck you middle finger and wouldn’t listen to Russia’s and the people of the break away regions of Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk Serious grievances and what would be needed to restore peaceful co existence .

While Russia hoped that they could get their goals of de-nazifying and demilitarizing the azov battalions to bring back stability to the region with minimal military force ,The Nazis in Ukraine made a decision to turn Ukraine into a full blown Killing field instead of working out a peace deal with Russia so they could peacefully co-exist .

The Ukrainian criminal cabal decided to dig in and engage in a mass causality type war deciding that they would teach the world’s largest nuclear super power a lesson and do every dirty actions to bludgeon them even when they the Russians were being very restrained militarily to try to accomplish removing the crimes and the causa beli that was propelling their two nations into a wider war confrontation and restore a new government that would not seek Russia’s demise .

Zalensky is a despot moron who wants to provoke a bigger war instead of peace with honor. They want to be Nato and the globalist criminal cabal Bitch . They are not thinking about what the aftermath will look like for their people . Fact is they are being paid with arms and media promotion to engage in as fierce of a war as possible instead of finding a way to de-escalate the war with the largest nuclear super power on the planet who has a history of being very militarily tough as nails against the nazis at the close of W.W .II

Russia would have gladly went to peace if Ukraine would have accepted Russia’s reasonable demands to settle this matter. Now Russia has to Ramp up their War machine in order to not be irreparably harmed because of Zalensky’s hubris in engaging Nato and the western powers into this fight on numerous levels

Don’t expect Russia’s patience to last forever. They have and will use their ability to do total war if they feel their existence is under threat and have a right to do so considering the level of criminality that has been waged by the transnational globalist criminal Thugs .

The west would do better to stop fueling the war and to force Ukraine Back to the Peace table to work out a peace deal then to make this the fuse that lights off a a much larger war . Every Body loses if a hard push toward getting Ukraine to find a peace solution now with what was laid out on the table that the Russians find acceptable is not done now , big deal you might lose a little bit of territory in the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. and Crimea Big hairy deal you wont have to suffer the loss of potentially millions and have your country taken away from you.

My Word of Caution to the Ukrainian military from this retired us Cold warrior , Russia dont play when it comes to their military and their sovereign security of their people being punked .

They will drop the Ukrainian military into the dirt if their last efforts of resolving this conflict with out any more war is met with bad faith on the part of the Ukrainian leadership .

Russia has paid a steep horrible price to attempt to stop the crimes against humanity done by the nazi Azov and transnational deep state Globalist criminal cabal crime syndicate operating out of the Ukraine for over 8 long bloody horrifying years , engaging in mass murder of their own citizens , kidnapping Russian children to be carved up and used for for organ parts harvesting sold in to the world wide market , engaging in weaponizing African congo hemorogic fever , and other bio weapons such as covid -19 and gain of function toxic pathogens and vaccines .

You can negotiate Peace with honor without surrendering your whole country and win a reasonable go to peace deal and the war could end without further damage or massive loss of life on both sides . Get rid of the Nazis and Zalensky they are dangerous evil morons who will turn Ukraine into a massive grave yard is that what you want for your children , no future . think about it . You are not going to win the war but you can win the peace . First get a cease fire /truce happening and move your militaries and militias away from the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk and create a 10 mile buffer zone DMZ on the Border of Donbass.
Let them win their independence as part of the movement toward ending the hostilities . Secure a good rebuilding and stabilization of commerce plan and a healing and prayer for the nation plan.

Being stubborn and stupid wont fix the problem , consider the loss of a little territory as a small restitution payment for allowing the bat shit Crazy Zalensky evil cabal crime family for running criminal operations inside Ukraine. Please Think it over for your Children’s Sake negotiate Peace with Honor , dont maintain your Stubborn Stance that will result in massive loss of life . This war could be over in one week Ukraine Generals and you will still have most of your country and win a peace with Honor … You have fought valiantly and so have the Russians , so if you both go to peace you both win the peace , if you stay at war you both lose the war . War is a Choice and peace is a Choice . Impeach that arrogant Zalensky and hold new elections in 6 months after the nations stabilizes . Don’t listen to the Globalist evil shits and their offer of Free weapons it is a debt trap, they really dont care about you , Make a cease fire and peace your highest priority and in 10 days you will win the peace . I am Praying for both sides , war really sucks for your families Go to peace now in Jesus Name .

Here is some music to enjoy