Biden Butthead doubling down on war effort on Russia , is now facing indictment for supporting the nazis .

Joe Biden a globalist criminal cabal member coup conspirator and the current administrator of bankrupt US inc is doubling down on his efforts to get America into a hot shooting war with Russia a country that has never attacked America , who real friendship saved us during the war for independence , the civil war , wwI and WW II who’s true friendship is being betrayed by the left wing fascist stooges that have hijacked our nation by their blatant theft of the 2020 American elections see 2000 Mules , and Mike lindell cyber symposium and other exposes of their Election Crimes . Real Americans understand the Joe Biden and Cabal members are criminals and are moving at top speed to get him Impeached / indicted and remove from office as soon as possible . He is a national security threat to our Children , our families and our future and needs to be removed from office by all lawful means as quick as it can be done . My hope and prayer is we can do this in the next thirty days and that Russia will allow us the time to get this Thug out of office so we can stop the increasing Harms he is causing both domestically and internationally and to work on restoring peace between nations , this includes economic peace .

We the people demand that Joe Biden and other world leaders stop all arm flows to the ukraine and demand that the leader of Ukraine go back to the peace table with russia and work out a cease fire Truce and work on making a satisfactory peace deal that both of you can live with. And all nations stop flowing in dangerous weapons into this conflict zone and stop economic warfare . The Dangers of this confrontation expanding into a nuclear war is very Bad . This is not a request it is a demand if they dont go back to the peace table and accept a freeze / cease fire regarding the current hostilities they will held responsible because of all the criminality that brought us to this point of conflict .

Ukraine does not have Clean Hands Russia does in this. 8 years of Genocide against the dobansk an lobansk regions and the bio wepons and other criminal activities that resulted in Russia having to launch a military tactical swat to stop these criminal activities resulted in where we are today . Russia has been very restrained in the type of force it has used to date to stop this serial horrid crime activity conducted by the criminal globalist nazis working inside of the Ukraine and elsewhere .

Americans do not support this feeding of arms to the Globalist Nazis cabal in their quest to quickly depopulate the world by wars, pandemics ,clot shot vaccines , gain of function bioweapons , poisoning of our Food , water supply and our climate, radiation exposure , chemical exposure and by all other means they are engaging in including unlawful sanctions and unlawful economic warfare . These crimes are Very Big and criminal and are being documented and exposed . The aiding and abetting the globalist fascist Crime syndicate need to be stopped. It is against US law to aid and abet Nazi organizations anywhere in the world . The nazis organization were deemed enemies and criminals in the Nuremberg tribunals and it was Russia our friend that help US and the allies stop their reign of evil . We should not allow them to the Nazis to reconstitute and Russia understanding the gravity of this acted lawfully to de nazi their southern neighbor when it became apparent that they were going to again in mass causality causing activities. They held separate the good Ukrainian people as separate from the Ukrainian and nationality nazis as being the target of their special military operations in a swat operations to cease the nazi operations being conducted on Ukrainian soil . The Ukrainian Military is Ultimately responsible to purging all nazi operatives and operations out of their Government and allow the situation to become peaceful and stabilized , so the Ukrainian people can live without that tyranny . Russia and it’s troops would rather return home and not have to act as policeman in this matter but they were not afforded that option.

So the next best option is that Ukraine broadcast that they want to quit this way in a mutual agreement with russia and agree to purge nazis out of government and military and be strictly neutral allow a DMZ buffer zone between Countries until all other issues can be worked out in the future peacefully .

Ukraine needs to agree to a cease fire and make it stick this is where we need to start. It can get better from hear or much worse . The evidence is in Favor of Russia that a strong response was and is warranted to cease the increasing crimes by the Ukraine people against it’s own people and the Global Nazi syndicate operating from their hub in the Ukraine . This is not my opinion but documented fact , the coup plotters both here and in Ukraine used their newly unlawfully acquired power further the power goals of the Dark Globalist Criminal cabal to solidify their acquisition of power and unlawful control for unjust purposes.

see this

Americans are in objection to supporting this material support to the Ukrainians we support fueling the peace not fueling the war . Only idiots support growing this war , think about our Children and families and our elderly you think flattened cities across the globe are a way to a good future for our families.
This war must STOP . Zalensky is a narcist idiot who should be removed from power for exposing his people to such horror by his criminal misdeeds , Biden is an idiot moron for exposing the American people to such harm and danger by following such a path of escalation and confrontation by someone who didnt attack us and who supplies us with food and fuel and real friendship. The Russians are good people and we the people of American demand to the current leadership pursue a path of peace and not war with Russia it is a much better and saner Option and we the people demand this Now . Just because Zalensky is crazy doesnt mean you should follow him . Promoting War with Russia is Stupid , Russia is not crazy and is not criminal , in fact what they did became necessary because the west and Ukraine would not stop the crimes . They are morally correct considering that the crimes in Ukraine were leading to a mass causality event with bio weapons world wide and needed to be stopped . Russia had the courage and the ability to say out loud no more crime . They are legally and morally justified to exert the force their did in a limited manner as they did to prevent a bigger war that was being manifest . Russia could have easliy flattened Ukraine but tried to use limited force to stop the crimes , It was met with a ramping up instead of a stoppage this is unacceptable . You have put Russia in a place where it may have to expand it’s effort to secure it continued existence this is not a good thing . Leaders of the world especially the US Stop it you wont win a war against Russia you will only create an extinction level event for the planet .

It is suicidal if you continue in your strategy stop it make peace. Do it for the love of your families find all excuses to wage peace before it is to late . You need better thinking engaging in expanding the war against Russia is the end of the world if it continues Stop it now , win win is peace with honor for all sides . Just do it like the nike slogan Just do peace , it is a much better deal . peace is a win for all sides .
Jesus is is Win for all of us . Make peace , love your families friends and country , make peace .

on another front hear is a video that captures the lies about the bioweapon clot shot vaccines


Enjoy the music patriots American freedom eagle

some great music to take your mind off the war stress , my hope we will go to peace and set the party
Until then take shelter from the Storm Hold those who you love tightly say thank you God