Americans , Standing their Ground against Tyranny


People of the world a big storm is coming one in which will affect every part of the world

The reason the globalists are working desperately to remove President Trump from power: Trump and his followers are the last remaining defenses for humanity, standing up against the anti-human forces of tyranny and destruction that built the coronavirus bioweapon in the first place (and released it on purpose, then lied about it). Thus, Trump must be removed , if the sheeple wake up and realize they are being led to the slaughter, they might not follow orders so easily.

Power at all costs, and his followers and supporters must be silenced, criminalized, smeared and eliminated at all costs as well. No pro-human voice that resists the COVID-21 tyranny scheme may be allowed to exist, or the entire Lock step plan could be placed in jeopardy because it requires broad voluntary compliance of the sheeple who are being culled.

 The minute the sheeple wake up and realize they are being led to the slaughter, they might not follow orders so easily.

Oct 23 2020 the 11 day countdown till the big event it is not weather a republican of democrat enters the presidency or other office but weather america can stand it’s ground against the onslaught of a tremendously evil well funded plan by those aligned to plunge our planet into the total darkness of a Totalitarian one world hi tech dictatorship Government with zero accountability, and zero transparency.

This vote is not just another Vote but a freedom movement against those who are aligned around the world against our freedoms a tremendous organized very evil and sinister Criminal cabal who seek absolute power, who’s money power and technology will make Hitler look like a boy scout .

They want to solidify their ground they have advanced in their secret societies for well over the last 150 years and bring out a new world war to make their new world order conquest complete .

They don’t just want to depopulate the world by 90 Percent they want power with an absolute iron grip and they use what ever lies they need like global warming, global pandemic to make their poisonous psychopathic agenda happen.

Dont Be complacent a very large not so secret war using asymmetrically hidden weapons is being actively waged against every thing you hold dear and love. Learn how to meaningfully fight back and win . First pray then

  • Just say no to BIG LIE
  • Say no the Lock step ,
  • Say no to the masking of the entire world,
    Say no to believing their fake news without one shred of independent proof to back it up  
    Say no to the Censor ship
    Say no to domestic Spying
    Say no  to contact tracing
  • Say no to a cashless society
  • Say no to the destruction to the bill of rights
  • Say no to the peer pressure to wear the mask of submission it is not about the virus it is about the forced loss of Freedom and privacy and your right to choose
  • It is about the loss of your right to guide your family choices
  • It about your loss of rights to protect your health from criminal predatory monsters
     say no to their infringing on your right to worship and sing in church to the Lord
  • say no to them attempting to license your right to bear arms for self defense,it’s a right and they have no right to take it away from you it’s the law . The public servants are in insurrection and treason who tell you dont have that right anymore . find ways to resist illegal orders .
  • Say no to not being able to hug your family members
  • Say no to having your right to breath free unmasked clean free oxygen taken away.
  • Just tell no I do not consent to your coercive criminal acts to deny me any of my protected rights in law that have been paid for by the blood of my ancestors  and veterans and patriots fighting to stop the scourge of advancing tyranny .
  • I do not and will not consent to Vaccines and GMO foods that contain toxic crap and aborted baby parts
  • I do not and will not consent to aerial spraying
  • I do not and will not consent to 5g microwave DEW frequencies
  • I do not and will not consent to biological and GMO weapons used against me or anyone
  • I do not and will not consent to radiological weapons being used against me or anyone .
  • I do not and will not consent to Fake news reporting of the corona virus deaths without strict independent non bias investigation into the truth of what is really happening . I dont trust their data , they have been lying hard from the start big time
  • I do not consent to be forced to be quantum digitally dotted or tattooed on my skin or below . We may have been unaware before , but we are now aware and we are giving notice that we will not tolerate this And we will band together and organize and do what ever it takes to stop your evil. Were we come one we come all. If you think you represent us and what to do the crap we say no to listed here in then you are fired .
  • I do not consent to human trafficking
  • I do not consent to human organ harvesting from people against their consent in any country
  • The freedom movement and Trump are not by accident , The stinky stench  of Corruption is so high the smell reaches up to the Lord and its unacceptable.

We are all the resistance now because they will try to steal power back from Freedom movement and President TRUMP on Nov 3 2020 and we the people will not let that happen. Watch , be ready ,and stand By . They are few and we are many and we will win if we do not give up.
losing is non starter, it is not an option.

Loss of Freedoms is just cause for action 

May 14, 2020 The forced pandemic shutdown the Corona Virus Covid-19 has opened the door for the democrat socialist communist now occupying congressional seats in congress and the various State Legislatures to push a tremendously terrible evil agenda on the freedom loving people of the united States of America which now has to be strongly and firmly resisted and stopped .

The following areas of serious immediate concern and action are as follows

ACDA Tyranny Alert #1 :
Hr 5717 This congressional bill Strips your 2nd amendment rights  by
1. Requires licensing to own guns and ammo 
There in making it illegal to own guns without a licence
is a felony constitutional violation by the legislators, count 1 if this passes
2. Imposes reg flag law nationwide
allows the removal of guns on just suspicion without due process of law
is a felony constitutional violation by the legislators count 2 if this passes
3. Gun control bill bans almost all semi automatic guns 
there in violating the clause shall not be infrindged striping our 2nd amendment rights in violation of the Dick act of 1902 which is law which is a felony constitutional violation by the legislators count 3 if this passes

ACTION ITEM REQUESTED Call and Fax the legislatures and your representatives and notice them to stop the passage of this evil bill or they have violated the constitution and will be subject to being charged ith a felony crime of Treason and will be subject to indictment if they proceed forward and not stop their criminal actions

ACDA Tyranny Alert # 2 HR 6666 This congressional bill
is known as the TRACE act , COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act A 4th and 5th amendment rights violation

#1 . Pays for governmental agents to come to your home and forcible test you for Covid-19 weather you agree to be tested or not .
#2 Pays for Govt agents to forcible remove from your home by force
either you or your spouse , your children and or your parents to be removed from your home by force if you dont agree if they are tested positive and be placed into a locked down quarantine facility or a hospital and you will not be allowed to visit and monitor care administered
#3 Pays for the forced vaccination and tracking of those who do and do not have it and are refusing it and will prohibit public travel and public access to markets and digital currency the new block chain currency being rolled out to replace the paper currency by force of those who refuse to get it and provide digitally implanted rfid proof that will be contained inside the vaccines that will be administered

The congress is putting 100 Billion dollars of Funding into the enforcement of this bill , this will provide the funding tools to enpower other emergency provisions on the congressional record that are on the books dealing with quarantines that were previous passed but not funded

ACDA Tyranny Alert # 3 PATRIOT Act Re-authorization
This allows Big Tech companies to do domestic warrant less spying on behalf of the intel agencies

for a more complete examination of the constitutional safeguards this bill needs and is not receiving at this time

AFE , all rights reserved 2020 and beyond

The Republic Peoples Grand jury is the only way to deal with runaway corruption

What we are witnessing in America today is the drowning of our american Republic , When Robert Mueller aided by corrupt deep state operatives , attorneys and judges can run such a Fruit of a poisonous tree scam to get an innocent man Rodger Stone prosecuted a friend of Donald Trump the president just to do it to damage the president is horrific and it is Treason.

I call on the President of the United States to unconditionally Pardon Rodger Stone and General Mike Flynn also a victim of the Doj and the courts criminal abuse of what is left of our deranged and extremely maleficent justice system.

President Trump should not only immediately Pardon these two brave patriots but unshackle the republic’s we the people grand Jury system by executive order out from under the treasonous yoke of the corrupt Judges deep state protection and racketeering system and it’s corrupt bar corporation controlled mercenary attorneys cohorts who are each agents of foreign powers undermining our constitutional court of record common law court system since the rise of the federal reserve banks in this nation.

Our nation will go under if this the #1 problem of judicial tyranny is not properly dealt with and allowed to be fixed by the remedy of the Magna Carta and the law the founders of our republic placed at amendment 7 of the bill of rights access to our common law court we the people’s one supreme Court to deal with such horrific issues.

I invite you to go the following link by Patriots 4 Truth the voices of american media intelligence

Stay Strong , Stay the Course

Feb 2020, editorial by FFT Mike , When looking back at the last three years we realize what a tremendous unveiling of the deep state , and that their tremendous criminal enterprise has been exposed .

The socialist Communist , Fascist new world order globalist have uncovered them selves in their attempt to over turn the Trump presidency and America’s attempt to bring our nation back out of the grips of these tyrannical psychopathic criminal evil monsters that are and have been looting and plundering the american people for over a 150 years since the civil war and certainly since 1913 through their criminal entrenched unaccountable look a like impostor government administrative state corporate agencies , rogue intelligence entities and secret society networks in an attempt to permanently overthrow the lawful American republic . They have effectively shredded us constitution, bill of rights , declaration of independence, magna carta and treaty of peace with the goal of permanently enslaving us under a rogue unaccountable to we the people , admiralty martial law constructive trust ceste que vie trust system that is contrary to our American Republic system of common law and constitutionality constrained form of government.

We have seen that the marxist islamist fraudster in chief Obama ,forger #1 domestic enemy who entered the presidency through deceit , concealment and misrepresentation and his aiders and abetters after 8 long years of crimes has and did not allowed a smooth transition of power to allow our ship of state to right it self .

For the last Three Year He and his minions have engaged in a relentless ruthless ,unlawful criminal coup , which hunts, perjuries ,campaign of insurrection , subversion , concealment , deceit and outright fraud and violence to out president Trump, harm his family, friends associates, and supporters have suffer numerous injuries , unlawful attacks and slander as they the lefts deep state enbededs installed by Obama and clinton impose their massive fraud supported by their quislings ,big money Soros and people like him , billionare funders , Fake news and rouge embedded traitors in the intel agences , FBI , DOD , DOJ and other agencies and the courts , hold-overs to over throw The American People duly elected President.

These people are the tip of the spear of multi-generational teams of organize crime working through interlocking organizations to bring us to the end game of their coup and their attempt to fully seize power.

We have never been in such a dangerous time in our nation’s history
if our nation is to survive , the coup must be toppled and the coup plotters dealt firmly with at the very least an arrest and removed from positions of power , FCC licences and security clearance revoked assets frozen until citizens investigators private attorney generals /special citizens constitutional commissions with grand jury and subpoena power with militia protection can figure out how extensive the damage is and how to prevent further and the crash of our nation while outing these criminal mercenary domestic enemy very evil thugs.

This is serious business mr president .

Politically Correct has no place in our movement to protect our freedoms , for our families our friends and our nation and the planet and our future from the tyranny of these Crimes against humanity Criminals have done and are doing . They have beaten and tortured and murdered many patriots and have stolen large sums of money and property they have engaged in stealing and trafficking in children, infanticide , selling childrens organs and body parts extortion , assassinations, decimating countries for profit and resources the list is extensive and very Bad . Build your A Team and Vet them well it will be a tough fight but we will win, we have to.

Undermining the Trump Presidency when he is dealing with the very serious issues war and peace on the korean peninsula , the middle east and Russia show us that the democrats and their supporters are very mentally unstable , and unfit to rule. Since their actions show a predisposition to engage in actions of mass violence to hold on to their ill gotten powers to the extent that it can bring about genocide of the planet. Mr President their Coup needs to be arrested immediately if not sooner. Every day you wait the danger grows . The sooner you put the brakes on this criminal cabal the better.

In this day and age we can no longer afford a governing body that seeks confrontation , war , and capitulation as their primary business model .

This business model was expressed by adam shiffty shiff during the impeachment hearing in the senate when he express his bellicose stance and deceitful words regarding The Russia federation and it’s very responsible friendly leader Putin who is being unfairly labled as criminal election interrupter and bellicose actor so much so that shiff justifies his adversarial stance against them to the point of putting America at a war footing with Russia. Sheer insanity Russia backed the break away republics and Crimea so Petro Poroshenko and the CIA soros backed Obama and biden could not get away with genocide against the ethnic Ukrainian Russians living there . Russia did the right thing intervening after Viktor Yankuovych was throw out by a coup color revolution sponsored by soros , Poroshenko and his neo nazi henchman causing the death of over 10,000 ukraining ethnic Russian citizens a real horor show

. Adam shiff is a moran he would rather put the existence of Mankind at he brink of an extinction level event ie nuclear war then to support Trumps effort to build peace and friendship for the sake of our Children. As I see it these people are wolfs ,tyrants , demons and need to be removed from our governmental bodies with all diligence they are unfit to hold office

Mr Trump Arrest the Coup conspirators from Obama , Clinton , Biden , Brennen , Clapper , Mueller , Comey, and on down to the others because it is the moral right thing to do and the american people may not get another chance .

It is not Business as usual our nation has been under decades of grinding horrific tyranny because people took their war on the american people to lightly, Dont make the same mistake mr president and people of this nation ,we may not get another chance. The acquittal was not a big enough win .

It was a win of a battle but not a war win , we are far from their , what we saw was a mexican standoff win and the coup adversaries will comeback more dangerous the ever . If we are to win we need to solidify our support for President Trump our america’s team captain into a movement like gen Patton kicking out the nazis out of berlin, we must hold the leadership of the republican party not to allow any traitor rino republicans in the party like Mitt and they must be removed , and shamed now . also previous rhinos like rat Paul Ryan and Bonner need to be kicked out and chance of them holding power under a republican banner ever again must not be allowed.

They had the power to confront Obama and his crimes and criminal cohorts years ago and they not only did nothing to confront those serial criminal offenders , but allowed them a free pass to do as much criminal harm as possible Samson alabama , to Benghazi to Fast and furious to the Fisa Abuse ,betrayal of seal team 6 that got murdered ,to operation crossfire huricane fraud and many other really High crimes he ,and they should have went to prison for this is inexcusable

They allowed the progression of the globalist Obama and their war agenda to gain tremendous traction. If our People , and planet does not organize and mobilize to get these far left traitors wolves out of the Government positions of power and remove them weather Dejure or defacto the harm will be excruciating.

I know some people say Trump is secretly one of them, I disagree he is not one of them , they bash him for not doing more to arrest the swamp creatures , we must still support him even though progress is long and slow , stay the course and stay strong , President Trump is laboring under great adversity and still kicking ass in getting our country economy as strong as he can before the real push back comes so it will improve our chances of victory .

Trump is buying us the gift of Time through his actions , people use it well , pray hard or him and his family , and all of our troops weather in uniform or not who wear the the white hat for our cause . We must never give in and never surrender .

Q tells us to trust the plan , I say trust God and be a part of his plan and his better plan will work out

New American Freedom Eagle Tools and Products coming soon

News Update ; Good News and Things that matter

Greetings everyone  just dropped by to let you know The Lord Is great and I am not on vacation,   I am working very hard to bring you some  very new and very cool  and very exciting empowerment tools and products  .

We will soon be doing a go fund me campaign to Raise Funds to build my new inventions  the AFE-CMF, fuel cell ™ (r) (c) an advanced permanent charger for cell phones and consumer electronics  that makes it power everywhere  on demand from The earth’s Magnetic Field  and the launch of our new businesses DEinvestment Group ™ (r) (c)and our DE marketing Group(tm) (r) (c) 2018 and beyond.

Here at American Freedom eagle we strive to bring you the very best and coolest freedom enhancement technologies.

Our new stores will be opening soon .

On another note we give thanks to President Trump  and his amazing staff for doing some mighty great things for our nation . He has made great policy decisions that has empowered our nation
* To create the most jobs and lowest unemployment rate  in over 40 years , * He has pulled the United states out of unfair trade deals ,
* He has lessened burdensome and overzealous regulations on business and now they are moving back in droves  making our economic recovery strong ,
* Most sweeping changes to the tax code since Ronald Reagan.
* He and the world wide coalition working with our strategic partners and friends Russia and China have worked together defused the ISIS international terrorism war threat, Thank you from my heart President Trump , President Putin  and President Xi Jinping for the sake of our children, You guys are real Heros,  you Guys are superstars Like elvis  just doing great good for the people of the world all the time the american people take notice and thank you
* He has defused the North Korean situation and the prospects look great for continual improving great relations that will insure a peace treaty will be coming soon ,  Great job guys  this is the stuff that matters .
Working through thorny issues to build a workable peace good job.
* He  is smartly addressing the illegal immigration problem to drive down crime and dangers from international terrorism
* He is working hard to amend and fix the problems of the health care act by removing the dreconian provisions and truly make health care more affordable and more widely available
* He is addressing the the problems in the VA health care systems
* He supports and fiercely  protects we the people’s right to worship and our religious liberties  here and around the world and I am thankful for that he does not allow the evil scum to get away with genocide of people  who murder because someone because they are christian or jewish. and he backs up the promise to prevent genocide of these groups  with american military kick ass forces .
* President Trump and his Team America under the MAGA banner are truely working hard to make america great again . He deserves our prayers and our support , he cares about our nation and he is bringing honor back to This  land .  Make a difference support Trump supporting republicans this mid term election our future depends on it.



Why Trump ? , Why not Trump ?

Editorial  from the editor
It is April 1 2016  Our nation is in the throws of an election year , we had to endure 8 years of a huge fraud on the american people by an Obama presidency that has overseen a massive breakdown in the rule of law , a looting of millions of Americans out their homes by arch criminal banksters and their corporate controlled courts of nul tiel record protecting their criminal conspiracy from being outed and arrested.  The perps of 911 not being brought to justice , the courts becoming useless for people to use to fight injustices being perpetrated by insider criminals Instead of two big to fail the terminology is two big to be accountable and brought to justice .  Every body know it Stinks to high heaven  but their is one man daring to call out the domestic agents of the criminal new world order on the Horrible abuses they have visited on the United states and most other countries around the world .

If you are not familiar with who or what the new world order is I suggest you visit     to get up to speed on what is really happening.

Donald Trump is a man who sees what is happening and realizes if proactive action is not taken America will be destroyed end of story.   Trump is a man who surely doesnt need a job that pays 400k a year when he can make that much in a month off his wise and smart business investments.

He surely doesn’t need the danger this job puts him and his family in so why is Trump doing it.    I will tell you why because he is a decent Christian man  who is also horrified just as the american people are at the immigrant invasion that has poured millions of illegal immigrants  many with hard core criminalbackrounds and terrorist sneaking in under the radar into this country without regard to the consequences that such an invasion  brings.

He looks at the failure of the court system to out a man who used fraud , deceit and accomplices  to capture one of the most powerful positions of power and national security this nation has and  what he has done with this power in the eight years that have passed since the administration came to power.

The debasing of our military by the firing of top Flag officers who  were loyal to the american people , incarcerating whistle blowers such as Col Lakin and Lt Cdr Walter Fitzpatrick III and others who dared to expose the criminal cabal .  The Looting of our economy and massively increasing the public debt and placing our nation in harms way by supporting covert mercenaries and economic hitman to fan the brushfires of wars though out the middle east , far east  and euroasia  bring the world back to the cold war brink of nuclear confrontation that has the potential to extinguish mankind off the planet.

So I say Why not Trump , he understands that if the crap is not reined in we wont have an america left maybe not even a planet  left.

Personally I think that he is the only one I can see who is running who says that unrestrained illegal immigration is a  disaster, allowing  runaway  expansion of debt  unsound and no accountability by corrupt public officials who hold the power of life and death over others  unacceptable then i say why not Trump  .




Start where you’re are at

When I first decided to launch this site  I prayed that the Lord would use my talent to help millions of good people around the world to navigate safely the coming storm that will affect every one across the world.

This storm is not your typical storm like blizzards , hurricanes, tornadoes or even tsunamis this storm is a societal storm that comes when good people ignore rampant corruption that can destroy countries , and communities with blinding speed.    My Hope is that you will receive the message in a positive light and be proactive to help you and your family  and community become resilient enough to not only make it through but to thrive and prosper no matter what may transpire in the coming months and years ahead .  My hope is that this site will become a source of comfort in the storm , a place of empowerment and a place of peace and a great tool kit to help you succeed and prosper.

IT is my hope is that you will be inspired , comforted and empowered by the tools, uncensored news and information placed within these pages to help you succeed in your journey ahead.   As you can tell we are Christians and firm believers in God’s Love and the Lords plan of salvation of mankind for each of us individually and  collectively .

What I believe is happening is a War between Good and evil and that to come through successfully is to develop strong faith in our Lord and savior  our helper in these  unpredictable times