People of the world a big storm is coming one in which will affect every part of the world
The reason the globalists are working desperately to remove President Trump from power: Trump and his followers are the last remaining defenses for humanity, standing up against the anti-human forces of tyranny and destruction that built the coronavirus bioweapon in the first place (and released it on purpose, then lied about it). Thus, Trump must be removed , if the sheeple wake up and realize they are being led to the slaughter, they might not follow orders so easily.
Power at all costs, and his followers and supporters must be silenced, criminalized, smeared and eliminated at all costs as well. No pro-human voice that resists the COVID-21 tyranny scheme may be allowed to exist, or the entire Lock step plan could be placed in jeopardy because it requires broad voluntary compliance of the sheeple who are being culled.
The minute the sheeple wake up and realize they are being led to the slaughter, they might not follow orders so easily.
Oct 23 2020 the 11 day countdown till the big event it is not weather a republican of democrat enters the presidency or other office but weather america can stand it’s ground against the onslaught of a tremendously evil well funded plan by those aligned to plunge our planet into the total darkness of a Totalitarian one world hi tech dictatorship Government with zero accountability, and zero transparency.
This vote is not just another Vote but a freedom movement against those who are aligned around the world against our freedoms a tremendous organized very evil and sinister Criminal cabal who seek absolute power, who’s money power and technology will make Hitler look like a boy scout .
They want to solidify their ground they have advanced in their secret societies for well over the last 150 years and bring out a new world war to make their new world order conquest complete .
They don’t just want to depopulate the world by 90 Percent they want power with an absolute iron grip and they use what ever lies they need like global warming, global pandemic to make their poisonous psychopathic agenda happen.
Dont Be complacent a very large not so secret war using asymmetrically hidden weapons is being actively waged against every thing you hold dear and love. Learn how to meaningfully fight back and win . First pray then
- Just say no to BIG LIE
- Say no the Lock step ,
- Say no to the masking of the entire world,
Say no to believing their fake news without one shred of independent proof to back it up
Say no to the Censor ship
Say no to domestic Spying
Say no to contact tracing - Say no to a cashless society
- Say no to the destruction to the bill of rights
- Say no to the peer pressure to wear the mask of submission it is not about the virus it is about the forced loss of Freedom and privacy and your right to choose
- It is about the loss of your right to guide your family choices
- It about your loss of rights to protect your health from criminal predatory monsters
say no to their infringing on your right to worship and sing in church to the Lord - say no to them attempting to license your right to bear arms for self defense,it’s a right and they have no right to take it away from you it’s the law . The public servants are in insurrection and treason who tell you dont have that right anymore . find ways to resist illegal orders .
- Say no to not being able to hug your family members
- Say no to having your right to breath free unmasked clean free oxygen taken away.
- Just tell no I do not consent to your coercive criminal acts to deny me any of my protected rights in law that have been paid for by the blood of my ancestors and veterans and patriots fighting to stop the scourge of advancing tyranny .
- I do not and will not consent to Vaccines and GMO foods that contain toxic crap and aborted baby parts
- I do not and will not consent to aerial spraying
- I do not and will not consent to 5g microwave DEW frequencies
- I do not and will not consent to biological and GMO weapons used against me or anyone
- I do not and will not consent to radiological weapons being used against me or anyone .
- I do not and will not consent to Fake news reporting of the corona virus deaths without strict independent non bias investigation into the truth of what is really happening . I dont trust their data , they have been lying hard from the start big time
- I do not consent to be forced to be quantum digitally dotted or tattooed on my skin or below . We may have been unaware before , but we are now aware and we are giving notice that we will not tolerate this And we will band together and organize and do what ever it takes to stop your evil. Were we come one we come all. If you think you represent us and what to do the crap we say no to listed here in then you are fired .
- I do not consent to human trafficking
- I do not consent to human organ harvesting from people against their consent in any country
- The freedom movement and Trump are not by accident , The stinky stench of Corruption is so high the smell reaches up to the Lord and its unacceptable.
We are all the resistance now because they will try to steal power back from Freedom movement and President TRUMP on Nov 3 2020 and we the people will not let that happen. Watch , be ready ,and stand By . They are few and we are many and we will win if we do not give up.
losing is non starter, it is not an option.
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