Mandate Freedom

News from the frontlines the Canadian Truckers and truckers around the world and the people supporting them are standing firm against crimes against humanity tyranny

It was discovered that the Mrna mandated vaccines that they are forcing us and our children to take are creating unexplained white fiberous blood clots in people who have died from the experimental injections see Link for the latest

The risk/benefit analysis isn’t even close.

Vaccine Patents Reveal The evil True Intent Behind Mandates
1) Depopulation
2) Surveillance & Monitoring
3) Genetic Editing/Altering
4) Behavioral Control
5) Enslavement
6) Social Stratification
7) Human Hybridization
8) Trans Humanism

Learn more about the globalist and their minions Crimes against humanity
Nuremberg 2 tribunals investigations into the forced toxic vax mandates , the vax deaths and the intentional economic collapsing of the world economies by globalist fascist fraudsters for unjust enrichment and power expansion.

Russia steps in to stop the 7 year genocide of the Ukraine breakaway Russian speaking regions of Donetsk and Luhansk
By recognizing their bid for independence from the criminal evil Tyrannical globalist Ukrainian coup installed Regime.

Since 2014 when a color revolution installed by force of coup an anti Russian administration a 7year civil war has been raging because of the coup desire to ethnically cleanse the Donetsk and Luhansk region of the russian speaking citizens men women and children of that region using military heavy arms combat armament. because they did not agree with the forced installation by Ukrainian neo Nazis sympathizers of an administration that was severally racist and belligerent toward the russian speaking people of that region. In self defense These people took up arms to stop the slaughter and maming of their families and children all they desired is to be left alone and not attacked and desired to become an independent republic to be free from the 7 plus years of war brutal cruelty , missile attacks and heavy shelling night and day against their families and friends. The Ukrainian regime financed by George Soros a former nazi sympathizer constantly broke the UN and Russia brokered cease fire agreements.

Russia seeing a continuous pattern of broken negotiated agreements rightfully stepped in strongly to stop any further criminal genocides on their door step against these good people .

Editorial. The people of the Ukraine better think long and hard about their next step . Is it not better to let these people go and have their independence or face an ass-wooping by a righteous power who has stepped in to stop a genocide happening on their front door step for over 7 years and a continual breaking of agreements by western powers as nato has moved right up to their door step and surrounded them .

Russia is not being unreasonable here. You Ukrainians have ignored Russia’s numerous pleas to stop the violence against the people of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. You would have done the same violence to Crimea if the Crimean’s didnt move quick enough by referendum to split early with you and join up with Russia .

History will look at Russia as doing the right thing in this matter . Ukraine you can still earn peace by granting the break away regions their independence , agree to stop shelling these people and go to the peace table and work out a better new deal that will work great for all sides that’s my recommendation .

The three break away republics of Donetsk and Luhansk and Crimea become independent Countries with firm Russian security agreements and you now develop a peace treaty with Russia that respects Russia’s security needs also, nobody is getting bombed every day , war is then over, back to peace a much better deal. How about UKRAINE Dont you love your children . Bend here so you dont have to lose big. Russia is reasonable they will work for peace if you approach it with honesty. That is a win win solution. Ukraine and everyone loses big if you cant humble yourself and go to peace. If you like this idea and need help to bring this peace proposal to the table I can help . But their is a condition you have to honor the cease fire against these breakaway regions immediately and indicate in the mass media you are willing to not join Nato and give Russia peace of mind that the Ukraine will stay fiercely neutral and not allow western globalist powers to ever use Ukraine as platform for staging or launching hostilities against the Russian people, in return the Russian people will not wage hostilities against you so long as you dont ever engaging in killing masses of your own people or theirs .

I dont always agree with every thing Russia does or says but this time they are on the right side of things from my point of view . Mandate freedom , Mandate your Govt cease fire and go back to the peace table with Russia with evidence of Good faith actions before you are militarily forced to. People around the world see what is really happening , dont cry how mean Russia is when it is you doing the mean genocidal crap thing to the Donetsk and Luhansk republics for over 7 years. Go to peace , and let all the troops be able to go home and back to their families.
That is my Two cents I will pray that this message gets through to your leaders while their is still time the clock is ticking . God give them help to see this solution.

Give Russia a good reason to Go Back home that is what they are seeking .

Now my editorial on Canada, first Truckers stand your ground till the vax and all vax mandates are lifted , this is non negotiable same for the US and other countries , we are unified on this matter no forced vax mandates period no excuses or we dissolve their right to govern by all lawful means declaration of independence time. They have no authority in law to make us by force of fraud take that toxic poison jab end of story in Canada , in the US or elsewhere. No Dr Mengele shit here period No compromise , no allowance period . Tyranny is not allowed period . This is a fight will endure till they stop this crap. Stay Strong.


In case the Stupid morons like Biden have forgotten what war looks like here a picture from 1945 only next time it will be worse , Nuclear weapons x rays can vaporize people from 100 miles away leaving only a image on the cement were a living human being was standing . Is that what you think you want for your children . Stop the march toward war . Over 200 million people died from war in world war 2 , Mankind cannot survive another horror show you are Ordered TO STAND DOWN and work toward peace .

Russia does not want war so should we , why dont we negotiate in good faith , is what they asking such an impossible thing , I think not. They dont want nato nukes right at their border and who can blame them . I think that they are a very reasonable people who under stand that war is a loser for all sides so why is the Biden administration and it’s deep state fanning the flames toward it in the Ukraine . Answer because it will destroy the evidence of the crimes they the Biden’s committed with the coup leaders of the current Ukraine leadership. Biden is criminally unfit to be the leader of the United States he is reckless and deceit full. The Same goes for the Generals that have allowed this horror show to unfold . When they enabled the criminal coup to remove president Trump through election fraud and antifa and blm riots they put our nation on the fast track to war . When they proceeded to mandate the toxic mrna vaccines into the arms of our armed forces they ensured that we will have a high chance to lose any near term future wars we engage in . Our troops have a tremendous medical hardship facing them, thousands are getting very sick from the forced mrna vaccines and soon wont be fit to fight or even walk soon . They wont be able to draw from the populist because they too are facing many vax injures because of forced vaccinations .

Mean while back at home and around the world Those smart ones who havent vaxxed like the Truckers in Canada and the USA are standing firm against any and all vax mandates in a last ditch effort to preserve the health , life and freedoms of our children and families a parent’s lawful duty . If you love your children you wont allow the this shit to continue , it is criminal so resist the mandates with all your abilities. . Get out in the streets , protest stop the tyranny , stop the march toward war , stop the forced medically toxic Jabs , not in my family and not in yours.

indict and arrest pelosi , indict arrest fauci , indict arrest Biden , indict arrest Trudeau, indict and arrest Gates , soros , obama , and all those responsible for crimes against humanity , they have no business leading our nations they are criminals and need to be removed from office and their freedoms by all lawful means necessary.

We need to bring this matter to a halt it is the right thing to do. Act in Love and peace and get the Job done . Pray what would God want you to do . We can make a difference . Everybody working together can stop the insanity . We dont support War brought to you by the Fake news propaganda machine so stop trying to start one weather it civil or international . Russian people and Putin are honorable people who love their families and children and negotiate in good faith they are reasonable they will work toward peace their restraint already shows it. What they were asking for previously was reasonable , how your responding is not. Get back to the diplomacy for peace table and dont stop until you unwind the knot , let the soldiers be able to go home to their loved ones. peace now

Without Our Consent Our Planet is being dragged into a very dangerous place

Patients have the RIGHT to refuse medical care and that
forced care constitutes ASSAULT.; Doe v. Rumsfeld

No legal basis exists that would allows any employer to deny a ‘religious’ exemption? Such an act constitutes an, ‘arbitrary and capriciously’ termination. Void any explanation is tantamount to a wrongful termination’. See, case: Sabine Pilot Service v. Hauck, which makes it illegal to fire a worker for refusing to break the law, especially when no valid law exists that would only ratify through performance of an illegal requirement.

Our nation and other nations around the world are being held hostage at gun point to take the bio weapon injection jab that has now killed tens or hundreds of thousands and medically injured hundreds of thousands or millions of people, the adverse vaccine reports are very under reported or lose your job , your social security , disability , your access to education and food in school education for your kids . We have only a short time until this breaks out into something much worse .

The experimental covid mrna jabs have only been around for under a year and have killed off more people then all other vaccines have for the last 30 years combined This doesnt take a rocket scientist to tell this is big trouble .

Most of the time when they roll out new vaccines it takes several years to access the safety and efficacy to determine weather it is safe enough to allow the general public to use it. Our leadership who have better insider information about the adverse effects of the new experimental jabs then we do , know it is highly unsafe and very dangerous and in violation of the Nuremberg code which saw Nazi Doctors hung for and are doing it anyway.

Now they the leadership are going after our children and grand children to force them to vax with this bioweapon from hell and need to be told in the loudest way we can tell them cease and desist or expect to suffer the same fate as the Nazi Doctors at Nuremberg did . Our children are our future .

White House Details Plan To “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11


All who are reading this must become a very active and part of the resistance, we are living in a time of Global fascism /Communism that is being pushed by the globalist shits who feel that they can usher in a horrific genocide and depopulate most of the population of the planet under the guise we are slowing down climate change or some other goofy junk science theory. Forced injections of a toxic mix is a criminal act of belligerence weather it is done by coercion under threat of losing your job or your pensions or living assistance payments it is a war crime .

A NOTICE TO THE RCMP IN CANADA The Truckers are acting under their rights in law to stop a genocide in the making , you have no lawful authority to arrest or seize their Trucks to do so is to aid and abet the war Crimes , You are now lawfully noticed you are lawfully required to assist them in stopping the crimes against humanity by the globalist leadership identified by the truckers for freedom because the vaccines they are attempting to force acceptance of is deemed to be a very dangerous bio weapon, a dangerous medical hazard to life and limb, a weapon of mass death and depopulation and you RCMP a law enforcement agency are required in international law to assist those ie the Truckers who are attempting to get it’s force usage stopped.

This is a very high public safety issue. Stopping genocide comes first , you are to protect the whistleblowers and to give material assistance to strike a balance of emergency necessity of passage on the roads while not impairing the effectiveness caused by the inconvenience of traffic delays of commerce to allow them to send a strong message to the globalist’s leaders that their lawful protest will be allow to be felt until the leadership stop their genocidal medical policies.

They the globalist’s leaders are not saviors but Horrific Mad men and women who idolize Pol pot , Stalin , Mao and Hitler and their sciences of leadership and should no longer be allowed to hold positions of authority . We must not allow ourselves to quietly sit back and take it , and allow this force vax genocide program to continue to propagate. This is like fast moving cancer and we must aggressively try to stop this from killing we the people.

Our Goal has to be to notice all who are forcing the mandates the globalist’s leaders to
# 1 receive a notice to cease and desist , the Mrna Vaccines have been deemed dangerous and you are demanded in law to stop . If you dont stop our common law tribunals will deem you war criminal and in misprision of a felony for contempt of the constitution and declaration of independence the right to be secure and the the right to throw off tyranny clauses and for crimes against humanity for pushing an exposed harmful and deadly bioweapon into the arms of we the people by force and fraud an international crime and a severe breach of the constitution and declaration of independence and a severe breach of their fiduciary responsibilities under international law , the Nuremberg code while holding public positions of responsibility and trust weather it’s the president , sec of defense , the military leaders , the governors , the state officials, school board officials or our employers, they have a duty in law and under the constitution and international law not to do intentional harm to us .

We have the lawful right and ownership authority to say no and have them stop under the rape clause laws present in every country . You can not have the right of freedom if you are dead .

Militia across the world must muster and be ready , If our all our peaceful efforts fail to get them to stop their forced vaccinations and lockouts of those who want to preserve what is left of our immune system from bio warfare and our freedoms , you have a mandate and a duty to stop them the globalist’s leaders and their evil henchmen by all means necessary including use of necessary force if they dont stop and wont allow our peaceful efforts to halt the worst abuses of our freedoms seen in the last 75 years .

I implore That the militias around the world be disciplined and allow us, we the people of each nation the much needed space to diplomatically and by all lawful peaceful means to bring this nightmare of forced vaccinations to an immediate halt if they dont then it’s game on ,

only when we have exhausted all our possible efforts and not succeeded then step in and crush this horror show of forced vaccinations by the globalists’ . Until such a time practice and train like there is no tomorrow and ready your self for action to protect the families and loved ones of our nations from these evil schemes if our peaceful efforts fail or if we are forced into concentration camps by mass arrest.

Show back up for our right to medical freedom diplomacy with peaceful and not violent displays of strength and preparedness .

Employ vaccine refuser Laid off Cops , Military , and Marshalls to help us deliver the cease and desist messages and notices, and notices of default when they fail to stop the war crime of forced vaccinations

I ask all who are involved in these lawful actions to exercise maximum restraint where ever possible. You and I dont want a war to break out and what we are doing is lovingly trying to prevent one from busting loose . The leadership corporate and governments in all the nations have cross the re line and must now be firmly reminded they do not have the right under international law to force medical procedures and must stop and stand down.

The people who are forcing the Jabs will be made civilly and lawfully liable and accountable to stop this horrific policy or they will face judgment if they dont. We the people in all nations reserve the right of free choice and of self defense when necessary and the right of recourse from bioweapons of mass destruction being used against us and our families and friends ie our loved ones .

We the people from around the world see what is happening and we are pissed that the globalists’ used a bad flu modified with gain of function enhancements to bring in the forced use of the trojan horse mrna vaccines to cause massive theft ,economic hardship and upheaval accelerate world depopulation to usher in a new world order of totalitarian control in a most deceitful and evil fashion . We dont consent .

You are herein ordered to stop forced vaccinations immediately and within 3 days of this notice order all who are under your command to do so .

Notice to the Globalist leadership in all the nations especially inside the USA

NOTICE Stop Cease and desist your forced vaccination program immediately


The mrna Vaccinations has been deemed a serious danger to our health and you are not allow to mandate it without breaking the law and if you continue mandating it after this notice you will be subject to being immediately arrested and charged with crimes against humanity and have all your assets seized for aiding and abetting war crimes and imprisoned, so govern yourself accordingly .

Its time to organize and time for action . Be part of the action to stop this madness .
Prepare . We are in Self-defense Mode . Check back often as I will attempt to provide reasonable and sane lawful ways that you can protect you and your family from this madness . looks like a category 5 storm for civilization is almost upon US prepare hard this is no drill. The monsters of the new world order are the new Nazis , they are to be resisted and stopped and avoided by all means necessary, they are not lawful and they are evil to the core . This is not a drill . Until sanity is restored it is not business as usual. Their forced vaccination scheme is criminal enterprise boycott those who are attempting to hold our way of life at gun point to capitulate with this death jab clot shot program .

They have brain washed our Family members and friends , and military and first responders and pilots to drink the suicide kool-aid called the mrna vaccines which are really de-popoulation DNA destroyers most of them will be dead and dying within two years . It is a tremendous nightmare . Dont look back it is a war for survival , we can help them the only thing we can do is make a way for the remnant to survive and wait out the storm that is coming upon every country in the world . Will it result in a world war , Civil war or shooting war who knows it probably will, I hope it doesnt , use the time left to create life boats and Freedom pods for survival it is that serious. Access your personal situation and think what you need to do to insure your survival and that of your family and friends and your churches . Mostly pray for the ones who were forced under necessity to take the shots and how we can help them survive as long at they can . The Bioweapon Jabs were designed to kill and maim in sections , some will get placebos, so the evil doers will be able to say see it’s not bad, then next you have the ones who get the DNA destroyer shots they will have serious medical hardships from the cancers they will catch because their immunity defenses system will be turned off , then their will be those who succumb to the toxic metals posionings in the shots over a period of time with lots of medical hardships and hospitalizations some will die rightaway some a long and painful death , next will be the ones who have nano graphene dioxide in jab and will suffer clots , thrombosis , strokes and heart attacks and rapid sudden death , from walking , driving , from flying in an airplane. Some will become more susceptible to all cancers , influenzas and lung challenges because their immune systems have been shut down.

Tools to help you fight back #1 Bible , #2 3 months storable foods , #3 solar Powered chargers generators fuel and lanterns , lots of batteries , self defense tools of all kinds and lots of ammo , Tools to harden the security of your home , organic seeds , 3 -6 months RX meds good first home built first aid kit with trama pack and pain relief stuff , Comfort foods , lots of storable clean drinking water and water filters , Bikes , back packs , cash and silver and tradable s the list is long access your situation and prioritize. The world is being dragged into this hardship by very evil men and women who only want money and power and dont give a shit about how much they are damaging others , we have a God given right not to follow them and to insure their evil plans fail and they get removed from power and replaced by those who are good.

Show we the people support for those standing up to resist against this tyranny in every county , They are our brothers and sisters in freedom, stand up for our military men and women and police and deputies and firefighters and first responders that are standing with us against these crimes against humanity because they are doing so at great risk to their lives their safety , their jobs and are patriots who are not going along to get alone and truly care that this thing is an evil.

Mostly dont stop your vigilance until this nightmare is stopped against all people everywhere . Our generation must not allow this genocide and must bring the people who wilfully and intentionally with with full knowledge of the harms , designed ,and mastermind this depopulation scheme and war

Top doctors warn Current MRNA Vaccines are very Dangerous and unsafe , Resist Forced vaccinations .

This is an important public service message from American Freedom

Our nations’s and our peoples are in danger the top doctors from around the world are sounding  the danger alarms many are Dying and getting sever adverse reactions from the experimental Jabs . 

Dont let them bully you , you have a right to say no and it is protected in law . Forced Vaccinations , vaccine passports are a violation of existing federal and State  law under Hippa and other federal laws .  If any one prevents you from being employed they have broken the law, if anyone denies you access to hotels, housing, travel, events  etc. because of not being vaccinated they have broken the law and can be sued for massive damages .

You are allowed to present your exemptions , religious, medical or constitutional to access services . If services are denied you are allowed to sue them for violations of the law regarding the exemptions named here in. Don’t be Bullied or coerced   into taking the injection it is against the law and the Nuremberg code.  Taking the Jab can cause Death within the first 72 hours or it can cause the following medical hardships until death . Just don’t do it resist .

here  is a List of known vaccine adverse reactions and complications
with this experimental set of rna experimental vaccines discovered to date  

Guillain-Barré Syndrome:  A disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerve system.  This may eventually paralyze your whole body.

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis:  An inflammation that affects the brain and spinal cord, usually in children.  It damages the coating that protects nerve fibers, called myelin.  Symptoms may be severe.

Transverse Myelitis:  An inflammation of both sides of one section of the spinal cord.  This neurological disorder often damages the insulating material covering nerve cell fibers (myelin). Transverse myelitis interrupts the messages that the spinal cord nerves send throughout the body.

Encephalitis:  An inflammation of the brain.

Myelitis:  An inflammation of the spinal cord which can disrupt the normal responses from the brain to the rest of the body, and from the rest of the body to the brain.

Meningitis:  An inflammation of the meningitis.  The meningitis are the three membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.

Encephalopathy:  A damage or disease that affects the brain.  It happens when there’s been a change in the way your brain works or a change in your body that affects your brain.  Those changes lead to an altered mental state.

Convulsions/Seizures:  Seizures cause rapid, rhythmic and sometimes violent shaking movements of the body, often with loss of consciousness.

Stroke:  A stroke is a sudden interruption in the blood supply of the brain.  Most strokes are caused by an abrupt blockage of arteries leading to the brain.  Other strokes are caused by bleeding into brain tissue when a blood vessel bursts.

Narcolepsy:  A sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness, sleep paralysis and hallucinations.

Cataplexy:  A sudden loss of voluntary muscle tone.  The condition is often associated with narcolepsy.

Anaphylaxis:  A serious, life-threatening, allergic reaction.

Acute Myocardial Infarction:  A heart attack.  Occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is abruptly cut off, causing tissue damage.

Myocarditis:  An inflammation of the heart muscle.  
Symptoms can include shortness of breath, chest pain, decreased ability to exercise and an irregular heartbeat.

Pericarditis:  An inflammation of the pericardium (the fibrous sac surrounding the heart).  Symptoms typically include sudden onset of sharp chest pain, which may also be felt in the shoulders, neck or back.

Autoimmune Disease:  A condition in which your immune system attacks your body because a drug or vaccine that was received contains human cells foreign to your own.

Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes:  Preterm delivery (premature birth), growth restriction, low birth weight, stillbirth (dead baby) and long-term chronic diseases.

Acute Demyelinating Diseases:  Any condition that results in damage to the protective covering (myelin sheath) that surrounds nerve fibers in your brain, optic nerves and spinal cord.  This includes multiple sclerosis (when your immune system attacks the myelin sheath or the cells that produce and maintain it), optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve in one or both eyes) and adrenoleukodystrophy/adrenomyeloneuropathy (inherited metabolic disorders).

Non-Anaphylactic Allergic Reactions:  Failure of an organ system.

Thrombocytopenia:  A condition in which you have a low blood platelet count.

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation:  A condition in which blood clots form throughout the body, blocking small blood vessels.

Venous Thromboembolism:  A condition in which a blood clot forms most often in the deep veins of the leg, groin or arm and travels in the circulation, lodging in the lungs.

Arthritis and Arthralgia:  Joint pain.

Kawasaki Disease:  An illness that causes inflammation in arteries, veins and capillaries.  It also affects your lymph nodes and causes symptoms in your nose, mouth and throat.  It’s the most common cause of heart disease in children.

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome:  A condition where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes and gastrointestinal organs.  Children who suffer from this condition may have a fever and various symptoms, including abdominal (gut) pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, bloodshot eyes and feeling extra tired.

Vaccine Enhanced Disease:  When the disease that you have is worsened by the vaccine that is supposed to protect you.

here is the latest update from Dr Fuellmich


here are some links to help you  make an informed personal decision

Dr  Shawn  says it best in this wake up warning  call     Nothing can stop what is coming! (

‘We’re in the middle of a major biological catastrophe’: COVID expert Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr.’s exposes the severe blood clotting that occurs after taking the Mrna Jab
more vaccine injured reports

Stories of Ruined Lives and DEATH Following Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccines (

Father speaks out about 16-year-old son who was killed by the COVID vaccine (

Remember Fred Pye? This is his story after 3 months of a living hell – Horrific Vaccine Injury (

The Adverse vaccine death report

please send this link to all your friends and family  members

In our next blog we will provide ways to survive theses assaults’ on our freedoms and the major societal blowbacks that will occur because of forced vaccinations ,be positive and proactive we will get through this.

Medical Fascism Has arrived and must be Stopped, This is very serious

In Todays message I will bring you life saving information should you or your loved one’s fall ill and need hospitalization. The information contained in these links are a lifeline to real medical help who under stand the bias and prejudice goin on against safe and inexpensive therapeutics by doctors and federal

Medical war crimes , the war against ivermectin has caused many with covid to needlessly die
You need to listen to this heartbreaking story ,and to raise the warning against use of remdesivir
here is a heart breaking example . These disclosures are necessary to educate you what medical fascism looks like so you can properly fight for those who you love and care for. The medical fascism is hard core bad and on this web sit I am going to give you hard core tools to fight back and win ., we are in a war
Make the doctors rx Ivermectin for your love ones it will save their lives please watch the video attached to the link below

Next dont let the doctors Rx your love ones in the ICU  remdesivir it will kill them in 5 days of renal failure this is an important Public Safety Health message

see the link below

There is no longer any place for complacency , everyone we know and love is under attack by theses evil globalist totalitarians , They are using Nazi tactics of mass mind control and are intent on forcing their agenda .

here is what you can do to stop it , not lose your Job or your rights to say no to the unconstitutional to be forced to vax . The laws are their to protect you from such tactics and it is time you learn how to use them to protect life and property .

Lawful Exemption Tools for our soldiers

Below are free lawful resources from from Our Freedom Eagle tool box some of the best experts in our country to help you preserve your freedoms

from the constitutional law group

American Freedom Eagle Radio (c) 2021 and beyond music selection

When is this going to stop?

American Freedom eagle .com your site for news and information regarding things that greatly effect your freedom , health and wealth
a member of the American Freedom Defense alliance .

Why we must resist being forced to take The Totalitarian FINAL SOLUTION This is for the Adults in the room for those who can handle the Truth if you cant, leave .
A war to depopulate the planet is under way The Totalitarian Globalist Nazi 2 like medical experimental Jab to fuck your DNA up is under way world wide so you can no longer make babies , so your brain starts turning off protective and motor functions, So you bleed out or micro clot , so you have have rapid heart disease, micro stokes and seizures, till you become so medically disabled you can no longer function until you die in two or three or 5 years an early death an agonizing death.. In the Next year 2 billion people will die off from the vaccine and you will be so aggrieved because you couldn’t get your loved ones and Friends educated to counter the Mocking bird nazi mk ultra Fake news press who have brain wash the masses including your loved ones ,its OK to take the jab it wont hurt you , trust us the say while they are raking and ripping off in trillions of dollars from Gov Forced vaccination mandates and wiping out economies around the world and ushering the new normal of medical fascism, papers please Vaccine passports , where lock downs are the norm you cannot buy or sell or travel without one , Just ask Australia where getting descent health care is getting harder and harder and scarier to obtain.

Our country and our Planet is in serious Trouble like never before and it is real and moving at blitzkrieg speed

, Their reducing the Food supply , Tightening the economic screws like never before , Unbelievable large scale Theft at Massive levels never before scene under this False Flag forced Pandemic and depopulation scheme .

Convince pregnant women not to vaccinate if they don’t want to lose their babies they are our best future hope for recovery when 3/4 of the population die off in the next couple of years because of these stupid genocidal forced injections . They are our best hope that these forced injections wont be an ELE or an extinction level event . The war is no longer between nations its the Trans Corporations run by the Globalist evil elites who are massively profiting from the forced hardships and deaths . Every country , every state , every town is being pirated by these scum.

IT is your Right and Duty to resist and deny access to your body regarding these gene experimental Nazi like FINAL Solutions world of Medical Hurt solution Jab injection

here is some education and links to inform you

Latest vaccine injury and death report  updated as of aug 14 2021  and its staggering   Please scroll all the way to the end to see the large numbers of injured and dead . This tells the tragedy  Big time .

Below on these links are info to quickly educate you of the pending immediacy of the  danger of this mass casualty event that we are now  facing and possibly the biggest national security Threat our nation has ever Faced.

#1 The Big question you Military , National and local leaders are suppose to ask about  the covid 19 Shot is it safe ?  The answer is a definite resounding No.
 see the video here then come back and watch rest of the videos . I kept this part relatively short you so you can be quickly briefed to the see the magnitude of the danger that is coming quickly.

Dr Shaun doesn’t sugar coat the situation it is going  to get real bad very quickly in the days and the mounts ahead

2.Dr Shaun Brooks  sounds the warning  RNA jabs should have never been taken ,Blood clotting is being caused by the jabs and most of the vaccinated will be dead in the coming months see link here

3. Karen a former Pfizer employee exposes that the Mrna vaccines each contain Grapheme Oxide a hazardous poison

4 Doctor Tenpenny explains 8 ways that the Mrna vaccine kills

This video shows how the Mrna damage your Dna and Your brain

5. Here the 1st hand report accounts of the vaccine Damaged in their own words

6 Dr exposes the severe blood clotting that occurs after taking the Mrna Jab 
more vaccine injured reports

7.Latest Dr Reuner Fuellmich report  as of aug 27 2021

8. Why the vaccinated are not protected against the covid nor are you immune deficient to variants And the 20 ways the spike protein are injuring your body .How To Protect Yourself From Vaccinated People – The Cognitive Man


10 The plan-demic scam was set in motion in oct 2019

11 This is just the hard core facts what this weapon does

Below is a List of known vaccine adverse reactions and complications
with this experimental set of rna experimental vaccines discovered to date 

Guillain-Barré Syndrome:  A disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerve system.  This may eventually paralyze your whole body.

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis:  An inflammation that affects the brain and spinal cord, usually in children.  It damages the coating that protects nerve fibers, called myelin.  Symptoms may be severe.

Transverse Myelitis:  An inflammation of both sides of one section of the spinal cord.  This neurological disorder often damages the insulating material covering nerve cell fibers (myelin). Transverse myelitis interrupts the messages that the spinal cord nerves send throughout the body.

Encephalitis:  An inflammation of the brain.

Myelitis:  An inflammation of the spinal cord which can disrupt the normal responses from the brain to the rest of the body, and from the rest of the body to the brain.

Meningitis:  An inflammation of the meninges.  The meninges are the three membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.

Encephalopathy:  A damage or disease that affects the brain.  It happens when there’s been a change in the way your brain works or a change in your body that affects your brain.  Those changes lead to an altered mental state.

Convulsions/Seizures:  Seizures cause rapid, rhythmic and sometimes violent shaking movements of the body, often with loss of consciousness.

Stroke:  A stroke is a sudden interruption in the blood supply of the brain.  Most strokes are caused by an abrupt blockage of arteries leading to the brain.  Other strokes are caused by bleeding into brain tissue when a blood vessel bursts.

Narcolepsy:  A sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness, sleep paralysis and hallucinations.

Cataplexy:  A sudden loss of voluntary muscle tone.  The condition is often associated with narcolepsy.

Anaphylaxis:  A serious, life-threatening, allergic reaction.

Acute Myocardial Infarction:  A heart attack.  Occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is abruptly cut off, causing tissue damage.

Myocarditis:  An inflammation of the heart muscle.  Symptoms can include shortness of breath, chest pain, decreased ability to exercise and an irregular heartbeat.

Pericarditis:  An inflammation of the pericardium (the fibrous sac surrounding the heart).  Symptoms typically include sudden onset of sharp chest pain, which may also be felt in the shoulders, neck or back.

Autoimmune Disease:  A condition in which your immune system attacks your body because a drug or vaccine that was received contains human cells foreign to your own.

Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes:  Preterm delivery (premature birth), growth restriction, low birth weight, stillbirth (dead baby) and long-term chronic diseases.

Acute Demyelinating Diseases:  Any condition that results in damage to the protective covering (myelin sheath) that surrounds nerve fibers in your brain, optic nerves and spinal cord.  This includes multiple sclerosis (when your immune system attacks the myelin sheath or the cells that produce and maintain it), optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve in one or both eyes) and adrenoleukodystrophy/adrenomyeloneuropathy (inherited metabolic disorders).

Non-Anaphylactic Allergic Reactions:  Failure of an organ system.

Thrombocytopenia:  A condition in which you have a low blood platelet count.

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation:  A condition in which blood clots form throughout the body, blocking small blood vessels.

Venous Thromboembolism:  A condition in which a blood clot forms most often in the deep veins of the leg, groin or arm and travels in the circulation, lodging in the lungs.

Arthritis and Arthralgia:  Joint pain.

Kawasaki Disease:  An illness that causes inflammation in arteries, veins and capillaries.  It also affects your lymph nodes and causes symptoms in your nose, mouth and throat.  It’s the most common cause of heart disease in children.

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome:  A condition where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes and gastrointestinal organs.  Children who suffer from this condition may have a fever and various symptoms, including abdominal (gut) pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, bloodshot eyes and feeling extra tired.Vaccine Enhanced Disease:  When the disease that you have is worsened by the vaccine that is supposed to protect you.

Here is what to do about this . Fight back every where and here’s how


Advice on Vaccines for Employees or Potential Employees against Mandates by Government or Employers

College Students Reject COVID Vaccine Mandates — By Voting With Their Dollars

Letters from Children’s Health Defense: 
Notice for Employers, Universities and Other Institutions Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines

Letter from Frontline Doctors: Covid-19 Experimental Vaccine Candidates




Forced Vaccinations for the Covid-19 are a tremendous National Security Threat


Navy Military commander presents well researched evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines not only do not protect against the Covid-19 Genetically enhanced virus but it may make it worse. The Commander wants the military to stop its drive to mandating all military personnel be vaccinated because the harm to national security will be catastrophic based on the well researched evidence of very very bad adverse reactions to the main covid mrna vaccines the worlds largest medical experiment that is failing at tremendous rate see the link and the source research

see link


Latest news from the front lines Vaccine damaged are telling what it is like to be harmed by the Covid 19 vaccines

it is horrfic

Latest news from the front lines Vaccine damaged are telling what it is like to be harmed by the Covid 19 vaccines

it is horrfic

here is the link CENSORED: COVID Vaccine Injured Who Regret Their Decisions to Get the Shot and Their Message to You – Vaccine Impact

Are Vaccines Safe

The establishment around the world want us to believe so . Dont buy the lie please watch the video link below .

Tens of thousand of reports of adverse reactions have been reported , Pilots are dying and being and being medically decertified because of vaccine adverse effects . Airlines are having to scramble to keep planes properly staffed becuase the adverse effects are hitting flight crews also who have been forced to vaxx .

To answer the question are vaccines safe go here


Dont get mad about this tyranny get active

each week you will be given something positive to do about this fraud

Walk out just like this alligator

TRUMP WON Happy Twenty forth of July

Pilots Are dropping dead from the Covid 19 vaccinations . Is our air travel at risk ? is our national security at risk ?

Who will be left to fly the F35’s , F22s , F18s The Mig 35’s and the chinese stealth fighters when all the Pilots are vaccinated , who will American airlines , united Airlines ,BBC , Lufthansa and air china and air japan have left to fly their planes after the vaccines incapacities them interesting question .

Am I Vaccinated? 

Have you been asked this question? I’ve been asked by multiple people on my list, so I decided to answer it for everyone, including those who are too polite to ask, but would like to know.

The answer to this question is NO. Nor will I ever be vaccinated for Covid For those of you who want to understand why I wouldn’t take an experimental vaccine, that’s never been tested on animals (humans are the test!), and never approved as safe by the FDA (authorized for emergency use only, NOT considered safe), I’m giving you several links to important information, including one from the former Vice President of Pfizer (who is their former Chief Science Officer), who thinks the vaccines are depopulation weapons.

In general, the CDC statistics show you have a 0.03% of dying from Covid IF you got it, did NOT receive treatment, and you’re under 70 Over 70 with two co-morbidities has a 5% chance of dying without treatment.) Yet there are highly effective treatments available, and even the FDA has back-tracked and approved them. Is there a need for a vaccine when there are good treatments? No there isn’t.

Does the vaccine protect you from getting Covid? No it doesn’t, as evidenced by the growing number of people who are fully vaccinated and still get it. Do people die from getting the vaccines? YES they do and often those people died within 48 – 72 hours of getting the jab. Over 5000 Americans have died shortly after receiving the vaccine. Do people get serious side effects from the vaccine? YES, some are serious enough to kill a person: blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, Bell’s Palsy, neurological symptoms that prevent normal function, and a LOT more. Over 200,000 of these serious side effects have been logged at the CDC VAERS report center.

If you’re being pressured to take the vaccine, that is ILLEGAL by both Federal law and the Nuremburg international law. US law denies any company, organization or government any right to require a medical treatment that has not been approved by the FDA. This has NOT been approved by the FDA.

For those of you who chose to get vaccinated, it’s my great hope that the Med Beds will be released soon and you may be able to stop the negative effects these vaccines can create. I’ve also heard that taking 8,000 – 10,000 IUs per day of Vitamin D3 might prevent some of the serious side effects of the vaccines. It’s certainly a safe idea and could help.

I encourage you NOT to believe me. Do your own research and check out some of these links.

Take a look at the evidence offered by this author:
Most Who Took COVID Vax will be dead by the year 2025
 He is more generous than others who predicted people would be dead within 2-3 years.

Dr Michael Yeadon, Former Chief Science Officer and Vice President of Pfizer: Depopulation Weapons

Dr Judy Mikovits says more than 50 million Americans may die from the vaccines:

Dr Sherry Tenpenny Explains How the Vaccines Will Work Over 3-6 Months:

Something is Terribly Wrong: Dr Peter McCullough

Or take a look at the high points of this video (a compilation): ·  Airlines considering banning vaccinated passengers due to danger of blood clots ·  Executives in the oil and natural gas industry say that they have to plan for their vaccinated workers to be replaced within three years.  There’s not enough info about the claim of deaths being taken off the VAERS report list for vaccine effects to know if that claim is true. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that businesses are waking up to the extreme challenges these vaccines are creating. (We also had a recent report about 4 British Airlines pilots dying in one week. If it’s dangerous for vaccinated passengers to fly, it’s apparently dangerous for the vaccinated pilots too!)
Get the picture?