News from the frontlines the Canadian Truckers and truckers around the world and the people supporting them are standing firm against crimes against humanity tyranny
It was discovered that the Mrna mandated vaccines that they are forcing us and our children to take are creating unexplained white fiberous blood clots in people who have died from the experimental injections see Link for the latest
The risk/benefit analysis isn’t even close.
Vaccine Patents Reveal The evil True Intent Behind Mandates
1) Depopulation
2) Surveillance & Monitoring
3) Genetic Editing/Altering
4) Behavioral Control
5) Enslavement
6) Social Stratification
7) Human Hybridization
8) Trans Humanism
Learn more about the globalist and their minions Crimes against humanity
Nuremberg 2 tribunals investigations into the forced toxic vax mandates , the vax deaths and the intentional economic collapsing of the world economies by globalist fascist fraudsters for unjust enrichment and power expansion.
Russia steps in to stop the 7 year genocide of the Ukraine breakaway Russian speaking regions of Donetsk and Luhansk
By recognizing their bid for independence from the criminal evil Tyrannical globalist Ukrainian coup installed Regime.
Since 2014 when a color revolution installed by force of coup an anti Russian administration a 7year civil war has been raging because of the coup desire to ethnically cleanse the Donetsk and Luhansk region of the russian speaking citizens men women and children of that region using military heavy arms combat armament. because they did not agree with the forced installation by Ukrainian neo Nazis sympathizers of an administration that was severally racist and belligerent toward the russian speaking people of that region. In self defense These people took up arms to stop the slaughter and maming of their families and children all they desired is to be left alone and not attacked and desired to become an independent republic to be free from the 7 plus years of war brutal cruelty , missile attacks and heavy shelling night and day against their families and friends. The Ukrainian regime financed by George Soros a former nazi sympathizer constantly broke the UN and Russia brokered cease fire agreements.
Russia seeing a continuous pattern of broken negotiated agreements rightfully stepped in strongly to stop any further criminal genocides on their door step against these good people .
Editorial. The people of the Ukraine better think long and hard about their next step . Is it not better to let these people go and have their independence or face an ass-wooping by a righteous power who has stepped in to stop a genocide happening on their front door step for over 7 years and a continual breaking of agreements by western powers as nato has moved right up to their door step and surrounded them .
Russia is not being unreasonable here. You Ukrainians have ignored Russia’s numerous pleas to stop the violence against the people of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. You would have done the same violence to Crimea if the Crimean’s didnt move quick enough by referendum to split early with you and join up with Russia .
History will look at Russia as doing the right thing in this matter . Ukraine you can still earn peace by granting the break away regions their independence , agree to stop shelling these people and go to the peace table and work out a better new deal that will work great for all sides that’s my recommendation .
The three break away republics of Donetsk and Luhansk and Crimea become independent Countries with firm Russian security agreements and you now develop a peace treaty with Russia that respects Russia’s security needs also, nobody is getting bombed every day , war is then over, back to peace a much better deal. How about UKRAINE Dont you love your children . Bend here so you dont have to lose big. Russia is reasonable they will work for peace if you approach it with honesty. That is a win win solution. Ukraine and everyone loses big if you cant humble yourself and go to peace. If you like this idea and need help to bring this peace proposal to the table I can help . But their is a condition you have to honor the cease fire against these breakaway regions immediately and indicate in the mass media you are willing to not join Nato and give Russia peace of mind that the Ukraine will stay fiercely neutral and not allow western globalist powers to ever use Ukraine as platform for staging or launching hostilities against the Russian people, in return the Russian people will not wage hostilities against you so long as you dont ever engaging in killing masses of your own people or theirs .
I dont always agree with every thing Russia does or says but this time they are on the right side of things from my point of view . Mandate freedom , Mandate your Govt cease fire and go back to the peace table with Russia with evidence of Good faith actions before you are militarily forced to. People around the world see what is really happening , dont cry how mean Russia is when it is you doing the mean genocidal crap thing to the Donetsk and Luhansk republics for over 7 years. Go to peace , and let all the troops be able to go home and back to their families.
That is my Two cents I will pray that this message gets through to your leaders while their is still time the clock is ticking . God give them help to see this solution.
Give Russia a good reason to Go Back home that is what they are seeking .
Now my editorial on Canada, first Truckers stand your ground till the vax and all vax mandates are lifted , this is non negotiable same for the US and other countries , we are unified on this matter no forced vax mandates period no excuses or we dissolve their right to govern by all lawful means declaration of independence time. They have no authority in law to make us by force of fraud take that toxic poison jab end of story in Canada , in the US or elsewhere. No Dr Mengele shit here period No compromise , no allowance period . Tyranny is not allowed period . This is a fight will endure till they stop this crap. Stay Strong.
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