Monthly Archives: September 2024

Authority not delegated

the people behind the scenes who are controlling who are not elected they are part of a bigger control matrix

Who gave these guys permission to make war . I didn’t, did you ?
we have the right to resist the Biden and NATO criminal cabal plan of war with Russia
Ukraine is not our military responsibility they did criminal acts that forced Russia to respond .
We need to demand accountability from congress to get us out of Ukraine mess before it is too late . The Ukrainians need to throw overboard their current wack job and make a truce happen then work on peace . Shooting missles inside of Russia will get you nuked and they have the right of self defense . They have been very restrained again Ukraine and the nazis running the government their being funded by the Soros and EU elite illuminati members are sick out of touch with reality . You can pursue your insane policy of trying to bleed Russia who has a very very legitimate right of self defense and will use the military tools at their disposal to ensure the protection of their nation . They have been very sane and sober in their demands for neutrality and for the ukrainian nation to stop trying to engage in using weapons of mass destruction .

The media is not exposing the Ukrainians attempting to set off a nuclear power plant catastrophe by bombing the nuke power plant in the ukraine under Russian protection or the numerous bio weapons research labs working on weaponizing rabies , marburg virus and ebola or other incredibly dangerous pathogens that can wipe out most of man kind . They captured the evidence of this stuff being . What a nightmare that the Ukrainians are involved in . Thank you Russia and your brave military putting the breaks to that Nazi crap. I don want the United States to give Ukraine one more dime it is against our interest for world peace.

The people like Trump , Putin the president of Hungry understand the gravity of what the globalist criminal cabal are engaged in and we the people from around the world need to see the truth we need these people to advocate for peace and stopping the criminal cabals waging war against our freedoms and right to live. Russia has a right and a lawful duty to demand and ask strongly to the west Back down and go to peace. This is not a Game we all have families that we love and this blood lust by the west is going to go badly if you constitute to play this like a ball game . The fate of the world needs to be considered . find solutions that lead to peace. Russia with all the tools militarily they have has exercised tremendous restraint

Operation freedom define who are the real criminals pushing the world to a nuclear showdown

They are also the criminal cartel behind the 3 assignation attempts against Trump these are not random events the leadership in power is so what responsible for these attempts against Donald Trump below is a congressional hearing regarding the 1st attempt

Next is the war situation in Israel and Ukraine as sept 20 2024

Now shifting to domestic war at home the corruption of the courts

Learn what you can do to stop tyranny. Listen to what Jack and Margy teach .

In your paperwork add this Judical notice : You are required to provide proof sworn under penalty of perjury that the the codes and or statutes your are detaining the aggrieved incarcerated party are not proven to be properly constitutionally enacted and compliant and have been passed through legislation per 22-451 loper bright enterprises v Raimondo (6/ 28 /2024) also know as the Chevron case , supreme court Pursuant to the US constitution 1787 amended with the bill of rights 1792 constitutional amendments 1-10 the parties lack standing to bring suit Get those unfairly imprisoned by the Deep fake corp courts private bar guild criminal enterprise out of jail , Stop the unlawful foreclosures, stop people losing their homes and made homeless by the corporate deep fake fraudsters . If it is not supported by proper constitutionally complaint law they dont have standing nor jurisdiction .. Just say I object and dont consent to your proceedings and give the above as your lawful grounds to dismiss their legal simulations …blessings

here is some good music to enjoy

some comedy enjoy
Now some more music

music to enjoy