By Chaplain Nicholas E. Purpura;
Justice Alito reminded us in (2015): 

Liberty requires accountability.” “…Under the Constitution all officers of the United States must take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution the constitution cannot be disregarded.” (See Article VI Cl 13)

Every public official, Executive, Legislators, and Judges swore an ‘oath’ to uphold the Constitution against all enemies ‘domestic and foreign.’ According to the Supreme Court as far back as 1888, to violate that oath of office “he is without jurisdiction, and has engaged in an act or acts of treason.” In fact, a violation of any constitutionally protected civil right could possibly be subject to the charge of treason; to quote a prior Supreme Court, in a 1958, case Cooper v Arron, stated, “No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it.”

Though glaring evidence exists of voter ‘fraud’, and ‘foreign interference’ our ‘quisling’ judiciary; state and federal refused to address dispositive evidence of a high level of unlawfulness. Yet, in what can only be termed a judicial con-game the courts repeatedly  claimed President Trump’s legal teams lacked “standing.”

In essence, the highest Court in our Nation “aided and abetted” in disenfranchising the people’s right to a fair and honest election process.


All laws must also be in accordance with the US Constitution and an Executive Order (EO) must also be in accordance with the US Constitution.  President Trump, following the 2018 election, rightfully contemplated the ‘swamp’ would seek to gain power for the “sake of power”, and would resort to unlawfulness in the coming 2020 election, instituted Executive Order 13848.

It is inarguable that Executive Order 13848 protected every citizen in our nation (regardless of political affiliation) to “full and fair” election.

An EO cannot create what would effectively be a law, but what it does do is protect the public against ‘domestic and foreign’ in the election process and has the power to punish the criminal contempt we are witnessing.

Inarguably, public officials and judicial hoodlums in black-robes failed to protect the integrity of our electoral process.  Apparently the judiciary refuses to understand that the courts were created for the sake of the people, and not for itself or a political party. By refusing to address dispositive evidence submitted based upon deceptive technicalities was a contemptible omission to hide the evidence of fraud to stifle the TRUTH!

Pursuant to EXECUTE ORDER 13848, it becomes imperative to confiscate every ‘Dominion’ Voting machine; conduct a forensic audit; arrest all those that purchased and/or certified them and/or wiped them clean, since it was common knowledge as foreign equipment they were/are prohibited from use in our election process. Furthermore, interrogation of all questionable personal involved in the counting process is actionable under the EO.  In order to maintain our free democracy, it is also necessary to expose the seditious activity and collusion employed by the media’s propaganda machine as well as big tech’s suppression of information and their financial involvement that included suppression of information related to candidates.

To be clear, we are in a war for the preservation of our Constitutional Republic. All Americans that served our country and took the oath to protect the Constitution against all enemies ‘domestic and foreign’ (which has no expiration date!) must now stand and honor that oath.

NO, SCHUMER, WE DON’T WANT TO CHANGE AMERICA;                                     WE WANT TO PRESERVE IT!
The Eagle


Big Horrible reasons to not take the new covid vaccine
It has been reported from independent investigative journalist investigating the covid vaccine trial case studies that big horrible adverse side effects before death occurs are being hidden by the vax manufactures ,

This is an example of what ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK and looks like when someone has a severe allergic reaction it can be fatal if not treated immediately. All covid 19 vaccine administrators need to have life saving equipment , medicines and doctors available to dispense emergency care in the case of severe allergic reactions to the vaccines.

This is the horrible and painful side effects that could happen to the covid vaccine recipient after the second round of shots

Please say no to these horrible human medical experiments going live and being forced on the population

Dr Wakefield explains what is happening with these vaccines Dr Wakefield blows the whistle on new covid -19 vaccines  they are not vaccines but gene modification of the rna which causes a permanent auto immune disease and damage to the Dna eventual death by horrible means
see link were this is explained in more detail
This vaccine could causes many deaths just days , weeks and or a couple of years from the time of receiving the shots due to the DNA being destroyed which would cause massive organ failure and immune deficiency . Please dont take your health for granted , investigate this matter and seek the truth . Make an informed choice . Big Pharma is immune from liability we can only hope they have a conscience but dont count on it with all the billions of dollars riding on this.