Nov 24 2020 Those who think they got away with the fraud
The events of 1st 911 on sept 11 2001 were designed to cover up illegal global international financial activity by many people, both elected and non-elected, whose privileged lives were about to go up in smoke, whose pampered lifestyles would have, if not for 911, been reduced to a life in prison. In essence, 911 was a National Security event designed to cover other National Security events, or, depending upon your perspective, a massive crime to cover even more massive crimes.
Well The great election fraud of 2020 is also a national security event to cover even more massive crimes of Obama , hillary Clinton Joe and Hunter Biden, George Soros , Brennen, Clapper , CIA , FBI , DOJ and other intel agencies , the Drug Cartels , Big Pharma , Big Fake News weaponized media ,Big Banks , Serco , the British Privy council ,and their ties to the Chinese criminal international money laundering Machine that is the back bone of the Globalist elite scheme to usher in a one world totalitarian – hybrid Fascist /communist /satanic/ technology prison state new world order Tyranny .
Bad it is worst than bad it is worst than you can imagine and who is standing in it’s way DONALD TRUMP and the 70 million plus Americans that voted for him the American hammer and his Justice league to pound that corruption and criminal freedom robbing cabal of it’s legitimacy to continue to operate it’s organized criminal rat lines to bits .
Make no mistake This is a revolutionary movement to throw off our international transnational despots world wide who are rigging elections and stealing by the trillions and doing crimes against Humanity is a scale that unimaginable . The American People Have put their foot down and let the despots know that we the people will not consent with this election fraud and organized criminal tyranny crap and we the people are awake and will fight back . They have awaken the Giant and the Giant will not let this criminality go unanswered . The we the people America’s hammer of justice shown above in President Trump’ s Right Hand is coming real soon .
The Trap is already set and it is ready to be sprung Tic Toc , tic toc , just image the look on their faces
Show support for President Trump and the several Justice Teams of amazing Lawyers and private citizens working on all the different facets of stopping these crimes, shout outs of encouragement go to Sidney Powell , General Mike Flynn corruption Task force investigation officers documenting National security high crimes of treason by the high courts and Military .
Tom Fitton and Judicial watch are investigating election rigging by the FBI ,DOJ , CIA , Congressional and Foreign powers and transnational corruption , and Rudy G and team are uncovering the Criminal rico in this election fraud and Coup attempt . A big shout out to the thousand of other private citizen patriots who are working on the front lines of this fight every day who I shall not identify by name who are gearing this up for the biggest take down of the largest criminal treasonous cabal organization in the world .
Grab you Popcorn the next couple of weeks the big show is about to begin Stay Positive . President Trump is not just holding ground he is advancing every day
All Americans should know what globalism is all about. Periodically we hear it mentioned on the news, but no one explains just what it is. I will attempt to do that to the best of my ability. Hilary Clinton while campaigning openly voiced her desire for open borders same with biden. This makes them a globalist. Opening our borders to the world would take away the sovereignty of our country. We would no longer be the United States of American. We would be turned into globalist nation under UN and communist control with no accountability , no transparency , no constitution in which to hold those in power with .
They are in an covert asymmetrical war with us and it is not OK
Globalism is Criminal and is the new Hybrid NAZI /COMMUNISM and is a bad partner of the New World Order. If Their system comes to fruition we would see their flag flying in place of Ole Glory, and our Constitution and our sovereignty would be done away with. We would be a dictatorship totalitarian state ruled by a few like communist China . Most Democratic politicians are globalists and have a great desire for iron fist control of We the People. Presently, they are nothing but obstructionists and are doing nothing for our country. Please do not vote for globalists no matter what banner they run under . They are mostly democrats but their are some republican rino turncoats also. This is my Big warning ,I have been on the front lines of trying to expose and stop the criminals of the globalist who have taken over our courts and local counties , that allowed the monsters of the criminal cabal such as Clinton , bush and Obama decimate our country through their organized criminal activities protected by the corrupt courts , killed millions by their false flag wars to protect the cia and the elite families Guns, drugs and human trafficing and extortion racketeering business interest world wide we are heading into war if we are not able to stop them at the Ballot box, Trump represents a freedom movement word wide to stop and oust their serial crimes against humanity monster transnational globalist who make stalin mao and hitler look like boyscouts compared to what will come with the type of technology they now possess. This organized Criminal hydra is corporate , borderless and transnational very ruthless and seeks to control it all . They are funded by George Soros and thousand of other elite billionares who are part of the club , they don give a crap about you and they will burn it all down to get what they want .
Seattle and Portland and other city rioting burning and looting for months was just an early taste of what is coming . Their brown shirts are called Antifa , BLM , Sunrise movement . If you havent figured it out they are being payed to wear us out and exhaust us before the really big war crimes come.
Vote for freedom for us, our children and our grandchildren. Our country is the last bastion of freedom. Actively fight for our Constitution and our sovereignty and our way of life . This is no game they are at our door step this time , we must rally the people , defeat them by voting overwhelmingly for Trump , and prepare for them to attempt to steal the election anyway.
in 2016 for the first time in our nations history we did not have a smooth transition of power , The DEMOCRAT Marxist left who’s arrogance and criminality know no bounds where surprise when Trump won against arch criminal hillary Clinton even though she had attempted to criminally rig the election 20 ways to Sunday through the weaponized media , corrupt FBI,CIA,DOJ operations and vote rigging who was officially sanctioned by arch criminal obama a domestic enemy installed by the cabal as acting president inspite of his forged and fraudulent birth credentials , but by some miracle she and they did not succeed . They are going to try against to take power by all nefarious means.
Because of the Transnational new Hybrid NAZI /COMMUNISM Hunger for power they used the democrats in congress under pelosi , schiff , nadler and others to wage a 4 year illegal war against Trump and the american people under false narritives to remove him from office for several years using every dirty operations and tactics they could think of when it failed they drop the germ warfare covid -19 pandemic bomb on the world they dont care who they injure or kill.
Freedom loving and faith filled people should not just be angry about this they should be pissed off enough to slam the globalist new Hybrid NAZI /COMMUNIST bastards at the voting booth and lawfully elsewhere if they steal the elections by criminality then by all out resist wherever possible until they and their criminals are crushed.
The Globalist evil new Hybrid NAZI /COMMUNIST want a reduction of the population by 90 percent , their plan is under way and the vaccines for the covid are part of that war plan dont take the vaccine . At first they will give the placibo with the tracking chips , all privacy will be gone next they remove cash and will make it next to impossible to survive economically unless you tow the party line . Those who do not tow the party line will be forced or coerced into the taking the lethal vaccines
or irradiated by the 5g new directed energy weapons and tracking systems that big tech is installing in a neighborhood near you or infected by ongoing contagions spray over your area by chem trail planes and helicopters . This is not paranoia it is real and it is very much in play. The only way it is stopped is to not let these people get power or allow their criminal rat lines to remain unopposed . This Freedom movement is world wide not just america . They are doing it all over . We have to make sure America and Russia do not fall we are the last bastions of hope against this world wide globalist cabal .
You ask isnt russia communist the answer is not anymore , Russia is one of the only few countries that have ever succeeded in throwing off the communist stranglehold on their country they know how ruthless it is the Good russian people survived and over came nazi attacks and Communist criminals for decades until they were able to throw them out of power .
They are good people and have warned us that if you do not fiecly protect your freedoms it can and will happen to you , they experience it first hand and it took decades to take their country back from the horrors of it .
This election is like no other election the weaponized media has poisoned our children’s minds to follow the globalist in lock step because their campaign to harm our families by driving up easy divorce , and separating the children from their fathers by the corrupt courts so they would not understand when freedom was being attacked what it looks like and how to defend against it , was largely successful in fulfilling one of their 40 planks of the communist manifesto .
Breaking news it was discovered that the dems and the globalist are installing a complex algorithms to alter the votes in a way that evades detection, handing a victory to the pre-designated “winner” (Joe Biden) In the interview, a former high-level intelligence official (Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney) on Dr Janda’s Operation freedom show see link here and below : warns that the Dems and the CIA have put in place a mechanism which can alter the voting results of electronic voting machines in key swing states (like Pennsylvania) that will determine the outcome of the election. This covert technology is called Operation Scorecard, and it was built by the CIA to surreptitiously steal elections in targeted countries. Now, that technology is being turned against the United States of America and is about to be activated on Tuesday to steal the election for Biden, explains Janda’s guest. he explains that a covert app called “Scorecard” steals votes by making sure Democrats always stay about 3% ahead of their Republican rivals. “Scorecard steals the elections by tampering with the computers at the transfer points,” he adds. This also explains why Joe Biden recently said, with great clarity, “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” there’s a video of Biden bragging about the massive voter fraud system that’s being used to try to to steal the election for him:
here is a link that goes into more detail about scorecard
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