Authority not delegated

the people behind the scenes who are controlling who are not elected they are part of a bigger control matrix

Who gave these guys permission to make war . I didn’t, did you ?
we have the right to resist the Biden and NATO criminal cabal plan of war with Russia
Ukraine is not our military responsibility they did criminal acts that forced Russia to respond .
We need to demand accountability from congress to get us out of Ukraine mess before it is too late . The Ukrainians need to throw overboard their current wack job and make a truce happen then work on peace . Shooting missles inside of Russia will get you nuked and they have the right of self defense . They have been very restrained again Ukraine and the nazis running the government their being funded by the Soros and EU elite illuminati members are sick out of touch with reality . You can pursue your insane policy of trying to bleed Russia who has a very very legitimate right of self defense and will use the military tools at their disposal to ensure the protection of their nation . They have been very sane and sober in their demands for neutrality and for the ukrainian nation to stop trying to engage in using weapons of mass destruction .

The media is not exposing the Ukrainians attempting to set off a nuclear power plant catastrophe by bombing the nuke power plant in the ukraine under Russian protection or the numerous bio weapons research labs working on weaponizing rabies , marburg virus and ebola or other incredibly dangerous pathogens that can wipe out most of man kind . They captured the evidence of this stuff being . What a nightmare that the Ukrainians are involved in . Thank you Russia and your brave military putting the breaks to that Nazi crap. I don want the United States to give Ukraine one more dime it is against our interest for world peace.

The people like Trump , Putin the president of Hungry understand the gravity of what the globalist criminal cabal are engaged in and we the people from around the world need to see the truth we need these people to advocate for peace and stopping the criminal cabals waging war against our freedoms and right to live. Russia has a right and a lawful duty to demand and ask strongly to the west Back down and go to peace. This is not a Game we all have families that we love and this blood lust by the west is going to go badly if you constitute to play this like a ball game . The fate of the world needs to be considered . find solutions that lead to peace. Russia with all the tools militarily they have has exercised tremendous restraint

Operation freedom define who are the real criminals pushing the world to a nuclear showdown

They are also the criminal cartel behind the 3 assignation attempts against Trump these are not random events the leadership in power is so what responsible for these attempts against Donald Trump below is a congressional hearing regarding the 1st attempt

Next is the war situation in Israel and Ukraine as sept 20 2024

Now shifting to domestic war at home the corruption of the courts

Learn what you can do to stop tyranny. Listen to what Jack and Margy teach .

In your paperwork add this Judical notice : You are required to provide proof sworn under penalty of perjury that the the codes and or statutes your are detaining the aggrieved incarcerated party are not proven to be properly constitutionally enacted and compliant and have been passed through legislation per 22-451 loper bright enterprises v Raimondo (6/ 28 /2024) also know as the Chevron case , supreme court Pursuant to the US constitution 1787 amended with the bill of rights 1792 constitutional amendments 1-10 the parties lack standing to bring suit Get those unfairly imprisoned by the Deep fake corp courts private bar guild criminal enterprise out of jail , Stop the unlawful foreclosures, stop people losing their homes and made homeless by the corporate deep fake fraudsters . If it is not supported by proper constitutionally complaint law they dont have standing nor jurisdiction .. Just say I object and dont consent to your proceedings and give the above as your lawful grounds to dismiss their legal simulations …blessings

here is some good music to enjoy

some comedy enjoy
Now some more music

music to enjoy

Jan 9 2021 the big Lie about what really happened exposed

Here is the link to the main investigative journalist report this is a must watch

The globalists’ deep state Nazis staged a false flag to coup da tah President trump and the stop the steal truth movement . Pelosi and others who orchestrated Americas Reichstag to bring the Biden ,Obama globalist Nazis back into power should be indicted for war crimes and waging a war against Russia to seize totalitarian powers domestically and set up the US for a mass depopulation event need to be exposed and brought to justice . The real new 4th Reich globalist Nazis are the real enemy of humanity . America needs to mobilized to indict and arrest these 4th Reich globalist before the damage becomes irreparable. Just as Putin is de nazifying the Ukraine we in America need to de Nazi the Deep state here at home . Pray we have the courage and the support to do so before it is tool late . Their agenda is the destruction and mass depopulation of America by asymmetrical war on many fronts . The Food , water , drugs , health , wars , fires , destruction of the supply chain, the economy . They are sick and evil just like the Nazis of 75 years ago just repackaged to do it better and harder and faster . Wake up my generation the Globalism Nazis are inside the gates . we need to resist and demise their controls before it is too late . It is not safe to ignore their Globalists’ nazi mindset we must prevail . mobilize to indict , to arrest to expose their wars against freedom and life .

Europeans must remove them from power also . Putin and Russia don’t want war with us they want us to remove the globalism and the globalist Nazis before the damage becomes unrepairable and horrific and catastrophic . Their can be no peace because War is a Business profit model for these globalist Nazi criminals . They Use war to coverup mass Crimes . Until they are legally and lawfully confronted in a common law court of record that cant be tainted or it wont stop . Only we the people can do that . Be part of the Alliance , resist the criminals and support those who are attempting to bring the real globalist new Nazi deep state criminals to justice

Here how the globalist Nazis are doing us through other means

The vaccines are a crime against humanity especially to effect our unborn and new born children , Se the following by dr Ardis who exposes their Globalist nazi evil schemes

It made me horrified to learn what they are putting in our vaccines these are sick and wacked evil minds we need to deal with this serious crime against humanity . it is the real hidden war

These videos and messages on this blog are a public service message to protect you from the evil the globalist nazi cabal are doing. You are adult I am trying to inform you , dont take my word for it do your own independent investigation and if it passes your truth inspection please share it with others.

Their is world wide tyranny going on against our food and other support systems

They have decided to destroy by economic means also

how jurisdiction is suppose to work however in actual practices your health rights and property rights and your right not to intruded upon is going away , I am telling you this not to scare you but to empower you to get in the game to stop the loss of our freedoms .

American Freedom eagle Radio (c) 2024 and beyond enjoy

The real story about the et visitors made into a comedy

IN Solidary with Texas against the Biden border Tyranny
join the freedom Trump , Gov Abbott, Patriot Trucker freedom Convoy across the country support those on the front line of freedom

Corporate defacto Governments Lie all the Time , The Maui Fire the real causes of the 911 eleven and The Covid depopulation agenda and the truth Regarding the Ukraine War.


No plane ever hit the pentagon during the 911 corporate for profit Military operation

How the typical American feels about what is going on expressed in a Song

the Kraus music video it so sick its funny enjoy


The two videos above remind us some of the biggest reasons the Russian army special operations swat team was sent into Ukraine to shut down their criminal operations Child trafficking to stop the murder and Harvesting of Russian Children’s organs for the world wide black marketing , Bio weapons development , money laundering , Arms trafficking . It wasnt for light nor transit reasons plus Ukrainian military and neo nazis where shelling the people of the Donbass constantly raining military missiles and shells on them constantly for over 8 years the genocide of Russian speaking Ukrainians had to be stopped .

Enjoy some humor .


Message from a Cold war warrior

You cannot taunt the Bear and The Dragon and expect that the world will survive . Go to peace go to truce as Fast as you are able . Your concern about Climate Change is Hypocrisy when causing the situation for the other nuclear super powers to get ready their Nukes for Battlefield use. 8 to 13 nukes only used in a battlefield scenario in the same day will collapse the Ozone layer around the earth . What this means is 8 billon people will be cooked by the Radiation of the Sun . The surface Temperature will rise to 5000 degrees F. Nothing can grow or survive.
So this playing nuclear chicken is nothing more then suicidal mad men ploting the death of man kind . Oh and dont think your bunkers will save you lava will fill every chamber of your bunker for years until the world generates enough soot over ten years to cool the planet Down.

Isnt life Better then bring hell to earth , I address this Congress as a veteran of the Cold War who understands the real danger of Nuclear war Things should never be allowed to get us to that point of ignition. Who authorized Blinken and Secretary of defense the authority to seek Russia’s demise or the overthrow of President Putin . I will tell you who No one . Who authorized Biden , No one , who authorized Victoria Nuland no one . The Constitution is very clear that congress must declare war before we engage in war against a potential adversary.

Building up the Ukrainian forces for the Russian and the west war for the last 13 years since the illegal puppet foreign domestic enemy Obama was installed was an unlawful act and the American people are pissed off about it . Order the Military to shut their mouths and Hold a Congressional hearing by the mega Gop leadership about of how we got here and that our policy is to not to push Russia into a Nuclear war by threatening their home land by pushing the Nato mass causality war machine up to their door step . The Points Russia previously suggested to bring an end to this conflict are reasonable and the Congress would be wide to have people like me bring together a diplomatic Team of heavy hitters to negotiate an immediate Truce with Russia’s and donbass and other Russian speaking breakaway republics security needs respected . I am of the Firm Belief that Russia does not want this war but was forced into by Nato and the US proxy in the Ukraine. The West has broke the Trust with Russia it must now take baby steps to reestablish friendlier relations or the world is doomed.
Gen Miley , Secretary Austin and Blinken should be fired immediately and replaced with sane leadership who will not say things publicly to further ignite the conflict . The Maga Gop Leaders should call for emergency diplomacy to bring about a truce with the lines being frozen where they are to stop the mass casualties occurring on both sides this expanding brush fire war before it becomes a forest fire that engulfs the world. Use words to bring about a cessation of Hostilities so that the nuclear Tool box does not enter the field of battle . Gop get you head out of your butt and get busy . I can help get this go to peace party started but you need to shame those who would continue down this road toward an extinction level event . You know dam well the Russians and the Chinese are aware of the facts put before you in this blog post they had robust Nuclear testing programs and are horrified by what they learned about the catastrophic damage these weapons can do. They Love their Children also and dont want to see their children and loved ones perish in a nuclear war nightmare .

Get F–ing Serious Congress this is not a game, it should be the highest priority on the Agenda
No other item should be on the agenda until this is addressed First . Tell the Potatoe head president shut the f- up and get behind stopping this goose stepping toward War with Russia and China as a matter of national Priority unless you hate your children and loved ones so much you dont give a rats butt about them also . The Ai Technology wont save you if the War red line gets crossed. Think about it and Pray because God will let you destroy your self if you dont seek His will and His way no one will be immune from the medical hazards pain and death this type of war will cause if this nonsense is not stopped . Negotiation for a truce and then peace latter on is the only option and the clock is ticking . I implore you to do the 7 days to truce Project Now . Show them you have Love for your children and loved ones now .

Dr Helen Caldicott schools us on what nuclear war will really do . Look learn and listen .

Here is the west mindset at current it is like that of dr. Strangelove

Some American freedom eagle music selections

Wage Peace against those who are waging war against every body you know and love . If they make waging peace impossible then you know what to do.

I writing this blog to give you the gravity of where things are at , this is my perspective and my hope is that this will give the strength and guidance you need to make fact based reality decisions of what you do in the next couple of months . I say we fully identify the enemy ie the criminals so we can know how to deal with them .

In the case of the Russia and Ukraine war . Russia did not attack us so why is our government here in the US aiding and abetting a nation like Ukraine who is criminal to the core who has since 2014 murdered it’s own russian speacking people who reside in the Donbas regions using military heavy weapons, and missiles and military armament against people who they claim were living on Ukrainian soil . They had no right to murder these people, men women children and elderly civilians for 8 long years breaching 2 minsk accords by their dishonesty .

When Russia sent in it swat team to attempt to stop a criminal genocide being waged on their border against ethnic Russians trying to live in peace it was neccessary to bring in force because the Ukrainian military was waging intentional war against these people with the goal of bring war into Russia at a latter time . The Ukrainan military was being directed to do this evil by the coup government that was being controlled by their Nato and globalist criminal cabal western handlers . The same handlers that are also waging a covert war against the american people which resulted in president Trump being coup da tah by the criminals in DC who are looting our treasury , subverting our military and police departments through their corrupt insurgents who they installed by rigged elections and appointments in the courts and the executive three letter agencies they have weaponized against the american people to bring about the US and America and China’s destruction by placing each of us at the point of extremis by use of their trojan horse insurgents to promote war and carnage as part of their depopulation agenda . The covid pendemeic and the clot shot jabs were just one of many rounds or this ongoing war being waged against the people to bring their planed mass casualty events it is evil and satanic .
This Christmas time shows who these people are when Russia initiated an olive branch Christmas Truce as an attempt to open the door for a path to peacefully stop this ukrainian nato nazi globalist crime in progress but no they would not respond in Kind .

For all those that are clueless The cabal handlers installed an illegal government in Kiev in 2014 and were able to do it because the United States in 2008 suffered and election rigging to install one of the globalist insurgent smooth criminal Obama a foriegn born domestic enemy into the white house with the Help of the Globalist subvert Congress from both parties who they themselves were installed for this special purpose to bring power and wealth to the Criminal cabal globalist syndicate . They see Russia and the Good American People as a dual threat to their Criminal business operations . Our Job is to wage Peace Through our Grand juries truce commissions and identify who is waging and ordering the criminal operations to continue and expand so we can put them out of business before they murder every one we know and love. God bless the Russians for standing up against these nazi pieces of crap
In WW 2 the nazis didnt lose the war the Good people of Germany and Russia lost the war because they failed to rise up early enough to stop the Nazi criminal cabal Killing machine from going into high gear . At the cession of hostiles at the pause in the world war when the Russian and western military temporality stop the shooting the nazi cabal escaped with the help of the secretly imbedded cabal insurgent members giving cover to the worst of the worst scum bags so they could reconstitute their operations under protected environments until there were ready to resurface using their plundered war loot make another shot in securing world domination under their iron fisted control . Make no mistake we are in the end game stages of their multi decade hostile luciferin game plan. That plan is to kill of 98 percent of the world’s population and install a dictatorship of a very evil one world order government .

Putin and the Russian Government correctly identified the danger and moved to suppress it with as minimal of force possible to try to stop it but suffered great expense in treasury and blood . They are heros of the world because they realized the pending danger and moved to attempt to stop it they realized that the Covid 19 gain of function virus was not an accident but a serious opening round of a biological war being opened up by the criminal cabal who were using the Ukraine to develop this and other much worse Biological weapons . When the lies about the covid were being exposed the cabal fearing they would lose momentum on their depopulation plan they opened up a second front in the ukraine to open up the kenic side of their war operations . The criminals in Ukraine where promised arms and Money if they piss off Russia enough to make them send force in. The goal to fund the criminal faction factions to accelerate the depopulation scheme. Putin and russian people realized it was the globalist criminal nazis one world government insurgents who are doing all the harm and not the american people who them selves are under distress . A thank you to Russia for not nuking us even though they are suffering from these criminals . My title in this blog is important that in order have peace you have to have reliable peace partners who can be somewhat trusted .

This Trust has Broken down internationally and domestically in the US because we can not trust our elected officials to act on our best interest because they are waging war by proxy against Russia who has not attacked us and has in fact acted as a good friend alerting us to the rising danger the criminal cabals are engaging in. Domestically because the courts and the three branches of our government are being subdued by the covert Globalist insurgents ordering Governmental orders that are going in belligerence to our constitutionally protected rights to have honesty , transparency and accountability from representatives who have criminally gamed their way into positions of power here. breaking our protections and integrity in government with each installation of their mercenary rules for radicals rouge running against the constitution government .

No body debated or gave us a say when they initiated their support for the nazis using our taxpayer money to wage war against the Russians who never attacked us and putting the world on the brink of potential nuclear destruction . We need to wage peace to see who will go to peace and who is forcing war . My proposal is that a 7 day to truce conference be convened as soon as possible . We cant go to peace if every one is shooting at each other . This is a start to reined in the peace . Next it is to form the assembles for developing pools in which to draw the who may serve on the Grand juries. Those who will not go to sanity and help stop the crimes need to be removed from power by we the peoples power to indict and clean up bad governmental service providers . We need to work Hard and fast on waging Peace so their is hope on restoring peace before it becomes too late .

Some info to explain what we are dealing with : A SATANIC COMMITMENT TO DEPOPULATION — HARLEY SCHLANGER

The weekend Feb 19 2023 RAGE against the war machine

American freedom eagle Radio Tm (c) 2023 AND BEYOND

Enjoy the Music

Time of the season



We The People have an unalienable right to investigate and Hold accountable shall not be infringed

The United States was coup da tah many years ago by a monolithic conspiracy of criminals and military tyrants conspired to over throw our constitutionally constrained republic and install a secret weapons for quiet wars globalist dictatorship that runs on printed unbacked monopoly money , dirty deeds run dirt cheap mercenary attorneys to install their criminal cabal into leadership positions at about the same time the nazis were positioning into coming into power . They used things like Metro 1313 and the nazi Red house as their blueprint to consolidate their accession to world domination . They knew that if they took control of the American war machine and it’s courts their lust for world power control would eventually be satisfied

They built their power as JFK warned us about by covert means over time until it controlled every lever necessary to make a run for the Big Prize control of the world . Today we sit at the precipice end game of this happening. America Has failed to prevent the most corrupt criminal cabal from using rigged elections to ascend to power.

Now Russia and America are at the point of a nuclear stand off . It doesnt get more serious then this folks . Their is a case going before the Supreme court Case to hear about the rigged elections in 2020 that installed Joe Biden and his Crime Family cohorts into the leadership of this nation .

see – 22 -380 supreme court case

My hope is that The supreme court wont cowards but will do their job look at the unrefutably evidence of election rigging and frauds by foreign and domestic powers and do their job to remove the real seditionist out of power namely , Joe Biden, Kamala toe harris , and nancy pelosi and those associated with them namely 300 plus members both house and senate , both rhinos and dems that supported not putting the election on hold to examine the vast evidence of election rigging and tampering ie the real coup against the American people and those who were rightfully elected .

The Brunson Case see 7 discoveries .com

Here is a summary of The Brunson Case going before the supreme court

On January 6, 2021, the 117th Congress held a proceeding and debate in Washington DC (β€œProceeding”).Proceeding was for the purpose of counting votes under the 2020 Presidential election for the President and Vice President of the United States under Amendment XII.
During this Proceeding over 100 members of U.S. Congress claimed factual evidence that the said election was rigged. The refusal of the Respondents to investigate this congressional claim (the enemy) is an act of treason and This fraud by Respondents. A successfully rigged election has the same end result as an act of war; to place into power whom the victor wants, which in this case is Biden, who, if not stopped immediately, will continue to destroy the fundamental freedoms of Brunson and all U.S. Citizens and courts of law.

Corruption hurts every one and now it has put the very existence of mankind in mortal danger. If Russia feels unduly threaten they are right to feel this way after observing the actions of the criminal cabal over the last 20 years , by breaking promise after promise and lie to place a danger to their continued existence.

Their is no more trust left between the two super powers . Next their is no more trust left by the American people because of the decades of court corruption and governmental extortion of her people which was done smug and arrogance. Their was a song by Sting that said if the Russians love their Children too, I think they love their children more then our leadership . They have shown remarkable restraint Thank you Russia , Thank Putin , Thank you Russian Generals you are showing your self to be men of great Honor for that I salute you. I wish I could say the same for the leaders of my country but i can not they have betrayed my fellow country men in the worst way . They are Giving money and arms to the Freakin Globalist Nazis in Ukraine are you freakin mental. Russia and their brave country men lost 20 million lives to stop the nazi war machine from acquiring nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver them This was the untold story of WWII that has not been told , The Russian People are heros who deserve respect of their heroism they saved the world atomic destruction at great cost of lives , the nazis built a working prototype and were set to go into production if the Russians didn’t put all they had into stopping them . We the children of the survivors owe them a debt that can never be repaid . Children of Russia you leadership are heros not villain’s they understand how bad the nazis really are dont make a mistake listening to the western media fake news crap . The criminal cabal and the fake news media are in bed with the criminal Nazis in the Ukraine . The American Patriots who are not asleep at the wheel are aware of how good a friend Russia really is to us and know we need to stop this criminal cabal who has taken over our country by criminal force and fraud. Real Americans Know that Russia had to act in it’s own self defense to stop the nazis when you did . People of Russia stand Strong against the nazis in ukraine they are a threat to your safety dont take your foot off their neck until they surrender and go to peace. Their leadership is wicked stand strong with your leadership their protection of your country is a rightous battle . We in America and the west will do our best to out the criminal cabal that is a threat to yours and our safety and peaceful co existence. The American People are good people and we dont support war with Russia nor the criminals who have used force and fraud and election jacking to insert them selves in power we will do every thing we can to restore peace with our nations .

Hold on Russia and dont give in until they stop being at war with you. and with the American people you are now holding the torch of freedom and liberty keep it alive .

You may be rescuing the world from the nazis a second time lets hope we can do it with out such a high body count . I stand ready to broker peace agreements that will provide real safety for all sides involved .

Their are many that are working tirelessly to stop the Globalists’ nazis waging war against you, hang in their in Christ it will get better . real Americans know what a Good friend Russia has truly been and are pissed that the cabal is using America to do these dirty deeds and we will work tirelessly to expose these criminals and restore the peace. Their are Americans that cares what is happening to Russia a good Christian nation we know you didnt start this fight and we hope one day the peace can be restored.

The truth update about the war in Ukraine By col Black dec 2022 dont believe the sock puppet fake news media that Ukraine is winning anything the only way they will win is if they go to peace now before it is to late and stop doing the biding of the west’s Criminal globalist cabal syndicate the monopoly money is not worth it.

The real Truth about the war in Ukraine and what is happening in Ukraine dec 13 2022 The losses by Ukraine are horrfic and large , Think Dresen because they wont go to peace. Russia doesnt want this war the west is using this war to grind down Russia hard at the expense of of Ukraine .

American freedom eagle Radio (c) 2022 and beyond music enjoy

why cant we live together
Otis Redding You don’t miss your water

Vote Out the decepti cons /Demon criminal cabal rats who are the Illuminati globalist with all your might this next tues the world is watching. America is at the brink of the abyss

Wonder why we are being dragged into and through this war because the Deep state Globalist want power and control at all costs no matter how dangerous . What is happening in Ukraine is a very serious matter , it is happening because of the encroaching slave state the Hidden Forth Reich that want to rule with an iron fist . The Nazis were not defeated in WW2 the good German people where , The Nazis went underground with the help of the soon to be CIA and MI6 former OSS collaborators . The Bribe was all the stolen nazi treasure tremendous riches enough to buy up and control of all the most powerful corporations and politicians from around the world then take power and take over nations all around the world with there tremendous stolen war wealth one of the reasons George Soros was trained to do what he i . The reason why none of our elections is free from fraud because these people can drop billions of dollars of their stolen wealth and buy mercenary hacker who can crack any election any time and any where they want , They will spend every Ukrainian life if necessary to get what they want, they dont care about them or us. The video above teach you about what is really going on .

WAKE UP CALL – Retired Colonel from US Military reveals how elections are being rigged

The real dangers of the diesel shortage exposed why it is happening and who is doing it on purpose

Children who were murdered in the Donbass by the Ukrainian Nazis

Now your getting it why Russia Had to stop the Crimes

Why Russia Had to stop the crimes , Ukraine became a criminal hub for the world wide black market since 2014 criminal coup in
Arms , Drugs ,bio and chemical weapons transfers , Bank money laundering, Child trafficking , international child organ body parts harvesting sold to the world wide black market this is a trillion dollar market and it is horrfic why is the world arming and supporting these criminals . Cut them off and force them to the peace table .
Anti Fascism Blues Understanding The election bait and switch magic trick

If The world being under the real threat of nuclear destruction at any time because these demons rat Globalist now leading the western world dont want to talk about going to peace with Russia , China , or North Korea why the fuck are we not throwing them out with pitch forks and torches . Go Vote if that is not enough then convene your grand juries and indict these criminal bastards and get them identified as the criminals that they are , authoritarian thugs who dont respect you or any laws or rules.

We are 8 Nukes away from the worlds ozone layer being destroyed by 30 millon degree plazma Balls rising up and destroying our earths protective layer from the Suns’ deadly solar radiation that would cook every thing on this earth. Those who think they will just ride it out in their war bunkers are mistaken , this will also cause massive earth quakes and tsunamis. Is this what you really want for your kids .

WHERE IS YOUR LOVE . STOP THE WAR , STOP THE GLOBALIST with all your might , this is a Global peaceful call to action.

In other news the bio war is still being waged , Orange County health a globalist official is trying to convene another health emergency to California Governor Gruesome Nuewsom of another Respiratory virus ie a new round of flu . These people are brutal

American Freedom eagle music to help

Our condolences and prayers for Russia and to the family of Daria Dugina a great Journalist

Daria lost her life yesterday in a car bombing , an act of savage Nazi Ukrainian violence
on Russian Soil against a sweet and beautiful peaceful soul who never hurt anyone

You will be missed , may the lord take you home and give you and your family and your nation comfort as they morn your tragic Loss. You are a true Hero loved by people around the world you spoke up about the Savage Cruelty the Globalist Nazis in the Ukraine were doing to the Russian Speaking Ukrainians their own people in the Donbass region , you exposed their evil and they show that Russia is fighting on the side of right to stop these evil criminals who kill women and children also .

Russian Patriots Put her picture on your equipment as a reminder that you will not quit or give up until the globalist Nazis Surrender in the Ukraine and their fascist Leader of Ukraine an evil man is run out the Ukraine or brought to justice for his genocidal acts. Many American patriots don’t buy the B.S narrative of the Main stream globalist fake news morons . they are like the charters from the movie they lived soul less alien monsters. We Pray for the People of Russia who where forced into this horrible war because Ukrainians criminal and murderous rampage from 2014 till present . Russia acted properly to swat down and stop the Globalist Criminal cabal syndicate operating in the Ukraine the hub of their transnational criminal operations .

American Freedom Eagle radio (C) ™ 2022 and beyond

truth vibrations slave

some music to ease your soul

In remembrance of Daria Dugina , No grave is going to hold your body down from America to Russia with love for a truth warrior Blessings